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Church Traditions for a Christian Psychology
Bebbington, D. (1989). Evangelicalism in modern Bri- Jones, J. (2007). Training supervisors to integrate psycho-
tain: A history from the 1730’s to the 1980’s. London: Un- logy and Christianity. Journal of Psychology and Christi-
win Hyman. anity, 26(4), 336-341.
Campbell, C. D. (2007). Integrating Christianity across Manwaring, R. (1985). From controversy to coexistence
the supervisory process. Journal of Psychology and in the Church of England. Cambridge: Cambridge Uni-
Christianity, 26(4), 321-327. versity Press.
Dockery, D. S. (2002). Shaping a Christian worldview. McMinn, M. & Moon, G. W. (2009). Integration in the
Nashville, TN: Broadman & Homan. classroom: Ten teaching strategies. Journal of Psychology
Dominguez, A. W., McMinn, M. R., & Moon, G. W. and Theology 37 (1), 39-47.
(2009). Teaching integration outside the traditional class- Mitchell, P. (2006). Christian faith and the academic
room. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 37(1), 48-53. enterprise. Unpublished manuscript. Dallas Baptist Uni-
Gingrich, F., & Worthington, E. L. (2007). Supervision versity.
and the integration of faith into clinical practice: Re- Naugle, D. K. (2004). Worldview: The history of a con-
search considerations. Journal of Psychology and Chris- cept. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans.
tianity, 26(4), 342-355. Nicholi, A. M. (2002). The question of God. New York,
Greggo, S. P., & Becker, S. P. (2010). The attachment para- NY: Free Press.
digm: A secure base for counselor education? Journal of Orr, J.(1902). The Christian view of God and the world as
Psychology and Christianity, 29(1), 46-56. centering in the incarnation. Being the first series of Kerr
Guretzki, D. (2012). What does it mean for evangelicals lectures. 6th ed. Edinburgh: A. Elliot.
to say they are ‘saved’? One in Christ 46 (1), 79-88. Poe, H. L. (2004). Christianity in the academy. Grand Ra-
Harris, R. A. (2004). The integration of faith and learning: pids, MI: Baker Academy.
A worldview approach. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books. Roberts, R. C., & Talbot, M.R. (Eds,) (1997). Limning the
Heidegger,M. (1982). The basic problems of phenome- psyche. Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans.
nology, (A. Hofstadter, Trans.) Roberts, R.C. (1997). Parameters of a Christian psycho-
Bloomington: IN: University Press. (Original work pub- logy. In R. C. Roberts & Talbot, M. R. (Eds.), Limning the
lished 1975). psyche (pp.74-101), MI: William B. Eerdmans.
Johnson, E. (2010). A transdisciplinary society. Retrieved Stackhouse, J. (1994). Evangelical theology should be
February 10, 2011 at evangelical. Futures 42, 11-14.
category/eric-johnson/. Whitfield, K., & Johnson, E. L. (2009). A history of recent
Johnson, E. L. (2007). Foundations for soul care. Dow- Christian psychology. Retrieved July 3, 2010, from http://
ners Grove, IL: InterVarsity.
Jones, I. F. (2006). The counsel of heaven on earth. Nash- Willard, D. (2004). Foreword. In H. L. Poe Christianity
ville, TN: Broadman & Holman. in the academy (pp. 9-12), Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Aca-
Jones, I. F. (2009). School of educational ministries: Es- demy
sential and unique contributions to seminary education.
Unpublished manuscript, Southwestern Baptist Theolo-
gical Seminary.