Page 158 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 4
P. 158
Can Neuropsychology Find
a Fruitful Place in Christian
Trevor Griffiths
Neuroscience and neuropsychology.
The technology of neuroscience has changed perceptions
about brain function, human will and consciousness in
profound and exciting ways. Real-time, non-invasive me-
thods such as functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(fMRI scans) and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Dr Trevor Griffiths, Great Bri-
(TMS) allow the brain to be harmlessly studied. In cli- tain, was a General Medical
nical neuropsychology, neuroscience has produced obvi- Practitioner for 25 years, with
ous benefits with improved surgical and medical inter- a particular interest in men-
ventions for illness or injury. Learning and rehabilitation tal health and systemic fami-
programmes use a knowledge of the brain’s ‘plasticity’ ly therapy. Founder of ‘The
to meet an individual’s needs to function in his or her Emotional Logic Centre’ for
home and work environments. The chemical systems of health and social education.
the brain are well enough understood for designer drugs He works with churches and
to be developed, which alter mood and stabilize thought various community organisa-
patterns. There is a heartening ‘wholism’ about these de- tions.
velopments. Physical substrate, individual will, and soci-
al interactions are given equal priority in care plans and
support systems. The clinical psychologist can better help
people to re-learn their human functioning, or ‘how to
What is the challenge for Christian psychology?
However, the research context for neuropsychology is
humanistic. Should this disturb the Christian psycholo- Is Christianity to be marginalizing to issues only of faith,
gist? The IGNIS Institute has a long history of teaching individual belief, and moral conduct? Are these nothing
Christian counsellors and psychologists to ´reinterpret` more than optional ‘programmes’ selected to run through
interventions that have dubious spiritual backgrounds. competitively evolved brain structures, like harware? Is
Three humanistic roots need considering. Christianity merely an app?
[a] Neural Darwinism is a foundational notion in huma- I suggest to you that Christianity is a depth psychology
nistic neuropsychology.It relatesto brain‘plasticity’, whe- about the mystery of incarnation of personhood. If a per-
re areas of brain tissue can learn to undertake new func- son is not an app, then where, what and when is a per-
tions. It is based in the competitive ‘survival of the fittest’ son? Without a clear view on this depth of anthropology,
neural connections for a purpose. Is Neural Darwinism what does any Christian psychotherapist have to say to
an ethically neutral concept? Is there a co-operative view his or her clients about personal development? Scien-
of neural recruitment for consciously willed purposes tists are now saying that a new view of matter is needed
that is closer to the nature of Christian communion? to cope with the findings of neuroscience as we explore
[b] Evolutionary Psychology is a guiding principle now consciousness. I agree! We saved Christians could be one
for psychologists trying to understand brain structure step ahead in that exploration, but classical theology may
and function. This may be a problem for Christians who not provide the answers in the right ‘language’ to make
hold neo-Platonist, intelligent design beliefs about Crea- incarnate personhood understandable in the Third Mil-
tion, and the human brain as part of that. lennium world.
[c] Buddhist ‘mindfulness’ has become, in the UK, the The problem is that Christians are themselves so divided
touchstone of healthy management of emotions. The in their thinking at this level. It touches basic tenets of
‘tranquillity’ sought, however, seems to me in stark cont- faith, such as virgin birth, miracles and resurrection. All
rast tobe thedynamic lovethat Jesusmodelled forhis fol- of these may be an embarrassment to the proud, materia-
lowers to learn from. Christians are encouraged to bear list, post-Enlightenment scientist who hides inside many
affliction to intercede for others, adjusting with creative modern Christians! Perhaps EMCAPP is a forum whe-
depths of both grief and joy. re diverse views about incarnation of the person can be
Where is Christianity in all this? Have we nothing to say? compared safely first.
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