Page 160 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 4
P. 160
This diversity of relating sub-states is life. We have a li- gy-matter into communicating cells and communicating
ving, relational God; not a God who merely exists, but a whole bodies of thinking people, which can be redeemed
God who lives and creates the conditions for all existence and healed and even miraculously transformed when
to diversify and interact and seed and reproduce… Form Godly Word is wilfully invited into the somatising pro-
and function needed relatedness to be added, between cess of formation within matter. The mind of a person is
primarily diverse ‘others’, to create the core conditions for generated from the same principles at work in social net-
diversification to sustain life. God created humankind as works, mediated and organised within the brain. Matter
man and woman. and mind are not dual aspects, but different hierarchical
levels at which the same Godly principles of tri-unity are
The new scientificparadigm in whichneuropsychology has organising and diversifying life.
a fruitful place in Christian psychology. Clinical psychology, in tri-unity, would no longer be only
Fortunately, physicalist monism was not the only scien- about human functioning and cognition, but about how
tific movement that sought to bring an end to dualism. the human being creates their own ‘words’ (formed ex-
From the 1980’s chaos theory was developing. It is the pressions that change patterns of relatedness). It would
‘New Science’ of communication patterns, in which feed- be about narrative. Christian psychology would add that
back can generate adaptive living systems. Systemic (Mi- those words have a potential to speak life in the image
lan) family therapy developed at the same time using the and likeness of God. Growing in capacity to ‘speak life’ to
same principles of communication, with diversification others is true personal development, leaving behind the
from habitual patterns (family scripts) by suitable feed- deathliness that human beings can spread when full of
back and exploration. Form, change and relatedness pro- complaints and lost in grief and despair. Neuropsycholo-
vide a better analysis of the systemic interactions of life gy at its best is about adaptation, re-learning, stabilising
than the individualistic form-function. by adjustment, growth of new capacities, resilience and
These same principles apply to matter – energy fields in- re-connecting with others in turbulent times of change. If
teracting to generate forms of particles that change, or Christian psychology is at root about how to speak life to
‘move’, at the speed of light. They parallel the mindsets oneself and others, to become a resource person at such
in which family members argue about values and then times, then a good understanding of how the systemic
choose to go their separate ways. Thus, the material and principles behind neuropsychology are tri-une will make
personal levels are embedded in each other by the same Christian psychology a more effective movement within
immanent Godly tri-une principles of interaction. The world society, and a more effective preparation for rela-
form of a person is his or her soma-body, gathering ener- ting openly with God in eternity.