Page 10 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 3
P. 10

„I once read Simone Weil, who commented the
     verse from Matthew 18:20: „For where two or
     three are gathered together in my name, the-
     re am I in the midst of them“. She said „the              Warsaw 2012
     Kingdom of God is not where crowds gather
     thogether but in personal relations present in   The 11th Symposium of EMCAPP
     a small group of friends.“ So it is the trustful       3.-6. September 2012
     personal relations which make the Kingdom
     odf God.  And this is what I aprecciate the most
     about the EMCAPP Meetings - the fact, which   SPECIFIC TOPICS OF CHRISTIAN ANTHROPOLOGY,
     always amazes me, that people of so different       PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHOTHERAPY
     professional experience, different countries and
     denominations can come together and actually   EMCAPP brings together international leaders and pio-
     MEET. That despite differences of opinion on   neers in the field of Christian psychology and psychothe-
     certain issues - it does not turn out to be ano-  rapy and its underlying anthropology.
     ther Tower of Babel but rather we manage to   26 participants from 9 nations in Warsaw - very good or-
     find a common language and discover Unity     ganized by Anna Ostaszewska - Russian Orthodox, Ro-
     in Diversity. This seems unique. And no mat-
     ter how different we are, we can still share and   man Catholic, Reformed Protestant and Pentecostal tra-
     learn from one another how to be better Chris-  ditions were all
     tians, psychologists and humans.“             Represented - inspiring and fruitful group works - depth
     Anna Rudecka, Poland                          discussions in the evening

                                                   Main lectures:
                                                   Krzysztof Wojcieszek (Poland):
                                                   What is love – the most important human need
                                                   Andrey Lorgus (Russia): The person in Orthodox view
                                                   Charles Zeiders (USA):
                                                   Christian Holism as a Spirituality of Psychotherapy
                                                   Short presentations:
               “As always it was very interesting to get   Psychology of Religion Limitations
               together with EMCAPP symposium.     by Romuald Jaworski (Poland)
               Especially  I enjoyed  the workshops:   If emotions are purely physical, why and how does the
               they give more room for deeper discus-  God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob have them? by Tre-
               sion. EMCAPP is also truly ecumeni-  vor Griffith (Great Britain)
               cal: many different Christian Faiths are   Echotherapy by Francesco Cutino (Italy)
               working together. I find it important   Scientific Researches on Christian Psychotherapy
               that outside the official program there
               is also room for inspiriting discussion.”   by Anna Ostaszewska (Poland)
               Toni Terho, Finland                 Personality traits as moderator of interactions between in-
                                                   terpersonal relations and relations with God
                                                   Olena Yaremko, Ukraine

                                        „Warsaw 2012 was an important event for me. Firstly, I saw the richness of sci-
                                        entific researches, developed concepts and theories on the integration of psy-
                                        chology and theology, which exist in the Christian West European scientific
                                        community; secondly, I was inspired by the solidarity of psychologists, thera-
                                        pists, doctors and theologians in the discussion of the anthropological aspect.
                                        Personally for me the concept of integration based on anthropology became
                                        clearer. Here, in Ukraine, we only dream of a similar format (pattern) of scien-
                                        tific debates and the dialogue between church and science.”
                                        Slava Khalanskyy, Ukraine

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