Page 58 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 20
P. 58

What dis�nguishes this model from other                ren Stufenmodellen den zyklischen Charakter
        guidebooks on spiritual growth, following              von Glaubensentwicklung. Nach der CHRIST
        Christ, or discipleship is its cyclical nature. Diffe-  Stages Map von Gaul�ere & Gaul�ere (2021)
        rent stages may be passed through more than            durchläu� die spirituelle Reise eines Menschen
        once or may contain the elements of a previous         7 Phasen. Sie beginnt mit der Annahme von
        stage already passed through. Thus, going              Vergebung und einem neuen Leben durch Je-
        through a phase again may even be valuable for         sus Christus und endet mit einer �efen persön-
        developing strength of faith. Self-reproach and        lichen Beziehung zu Jesus Christus, die zu ei-
        self-condemna�on because of obsessive adhe-            nem reifen Glauben führt:
        rence to a rigid unrealis�c model of faith deve-
        lopment should therefore be dispensed with.            1. Confidence in Christ (C Stage)
                                                               2. Help in Discipleship (H Stage)
        Strength of faith, as one aspect of faith deve-        3. Responsibili�es in Ministries (R Stage)
        lopment, can grow through con�nuous immer-             4. Transi�on (The Wall) “The Wall represents a
        sion in the strengthening promises of God in           period of spiritual dryness or stagna�on, where
        the Bible for a wide variety of challenges in eve-     believers may feel stuck or disconnected from
        ryday life. Strength of faith can also be increa-      their faith. However, this stage also presents an
        sed by answers to prayer or by experiencing            opportunity for deeper growth and joy, as indi-
        God's carrying through a personal crisis, a            viduals confront and overcome the challenges
        stressful situa�on, or His assistance in a chronic     they face.”
        illness or ongoing stressful process. A trus�ng        5. Inner Journey (I Stage)
        rela�onship with God can thus lead to new              6. Spirit-Led Ministry (S Stage)
        happiness in life and greater strength of faith        7. Transforming Union (T Stage)
        through posi�ve acceptance strategies even as
        post-trauma�c growth. People with a strong ex-         Was dieses Modell von anderen Ratgeberbü-
        pression of faith report greater life sa�sfac�on,      chern zum geistlichen Wachstum, zur Nachfol-
        higher self-esteem, and fewer harmful conse-           ge Chris� oder zur Jüngerscha� unterscheidet,
        quences a�er trauma�c life events.                     ist sein zyklischer Charakter. Verschiedene Pha-
                                                               sen können mehrmals durchlaufen werden
        At this point, I would like to quote a quite con-      oder die Elemente einer früheren schon einmal
        vincing answer of the genera�ve AI system cha-         durchlaufenen Phase enthalten. So kann der, which was trained by a large language       erneute Durchgang durch eine Phase sogar
        model on the publica�ons of C.S. Lewis. When           wertvoll für die Entwicklung von Glaubensstär-
        asked about the cons�tuents of "strength of            ke sein. Selbstvorwürfe und Selbstverdammnis
        faith," it responds in the spirit of Lewis: "I         wegen des zwangha�en Festhaltens an einem
        would say endurance. That is, con�nuing to be-         starren unrealis�schen Modell der Glaubens-
        lieve even when it's challenging or difficult to,      entwicklung sollten deshalb en�allen.
        con�nuing to trust God in the face of pain and
        difficulty. But this endurance also entails humi-      Glaubensstärke als ein Teilaspekt der Glaubens-
        lity; it isn't a ma�er of stubbornness. Instead,       entwicklung kann durch ein kon�nuierliches
        it's a sort of quiet courage which looks beyond        Eintauchen in die stärkenden Verheißungen
        what we see and experience to God in whom              Go�es in der Bibel für die unterschiedlichsten
        our trust is rooted, even when circumstances           Herausforderungen des alltäglichen Lebens
        make it hard to see Him."                              wachsen. Glaubensstärke kann auch durch Ge-
                                                               betserhörungen vermehrt werden oder durch
        The decisive factor, however, is a trus�ng rela�-      das erlebte Durchtragen Go�es in einer per-
        onship with God that is integrated as lived faith      sönlichen Krise, einer Stress-Situa�on oder sei-
        in a person's everyday life. Pargament (2002)          nen Beistand in einer chronischen Krankheit
        points out that a tradi�onal superficial religiosi-    oder einem andauernden Belastungsprozess.

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