Page 34 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 20
P. 34

Marie T. Hoffman, Ph.D. is a Clinical Psychologist, cer�fied
                                                     psychoanalyst, and Associate Professor of Psychology (Ad-
                                                     junct) at the New York University Postdoctoral Program in
                                                     Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. Lowell W. Hoffman,
                                                     Ph.D. is a Clinical Psychologist, cer�fied psychoanalyst,
                                                     and founder/co-director (1988- present) of Brookhaven
                                                     Center for Counseling and Development in Allentown, PA.

                                                     Together they founded the Brookhaven Ins�tute where
                                                     they teach and supervise mental health professionals and
                                                     interns in the integra�on of Chris�an faith and psychody-
              Lowell W. & Marie T.                   namic perspec�ves.
                      Hoffman                        Marie's publica�ons include the influen�al Toward Mutu-
                                                     al Recogni�on: Rela�onal Psychoanalysis and the Chris�-
                                                     an Narra�ve published by Routledge in 2010, and When
                                                     the Roll is Called: Trauma and the Soul of American Evan-
                                                     gelicalism published by Wipf and Stock in 2016. Marie
                                                     and Lowell were also founding co-directors in 2009 of the
                                                     psychoanaly�c track in the Chris�an Associa�on for Psy-
                                                     chological Studies (CAPS), and founding co-directors in
                                                     2012 of an integra�ve psychoanaly�c training program
                                                     that graduated three cohorts of psychoanalysts. They re-
                                                     side both in Allentown, PA and Gryon, Switzerland.

                                                                                         Former contribu�ons:

        Faith: Through, In, and To an “Other”

                                                 “…for I know Whom I have believed, and I am sure that He is
                                                 able to guard un�l that day what has been entrusted to me.”
                                                                                          2 Timothy 1:12 (RSV)

        “Hath God [truly] said?” queried the serpent to        their Maker as untrustworthy, decei�ul and
        the credulous Eve. With this ques�on the ene-          withholding.
        my of our souls ini�ated the dismantling of            The serpent’s a�ack on the rela�onship bet-
        Adam and Eve’s rela�onship with God. He first          ween Adam, Eve and God, strikes at the heart
        purposefully misrepresented God’s words, and           of what is necessary for the development of
        proposed that God was envious, wan�ng only             faith. Philip Melancthon, 16 century Protes-
        to prevent them from achieving the godlike             tant reformer, empha�cally asserted that faith
        characteris�cs of which they were capable. Un-         was rela�onal. Faith consisted of and sprang
        like the later St. Paul, who asserted that he          forth from a deep trust in the person of God
        knew Who he had believed in, Satan convinced           whose reliability and benevolence assures se-
        Adam and Eve that they did not really know             curity and well-being. He writes, “faith is
        God at all. Satan cra�ily destroyed the “God-          nothing else than trust in God’s mercy… a
        image” of Adam and Eve, causing them to see            certain and constant trust in God’s goodwill to-
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