Page 23 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 20
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well-being (total effect of .472, p < .01), and to Rela�onship with God and Character in Chris-
a lesser degree sa�sfac�on (total effect of .352, �ans
p < .01). These findings suggest increases in a This study aligns with prior research that sug-
rela�onship with God may primarily predict in- gests a rela�onship with God increases well-
creased emo�onal experience and a broader being (e.g., Diener et al., 2010; Vishkin et al.,
sense of meaning and purpose, which fits with 2019), while iden�fying this reality within a
prior findings (Keefer & Brown, 2018; Rainville Chris�an sample. U�lizing an emic measure of
& Mehegan, 2019). Finally, in answering RQ2, a rela�onship with God (CGS) allowed the study
rela�onship with God predicted significant (p < to examine a Chris�an experience of intrinsical-
.01) direct increases in gra�tude (total effect of ly mo�vated rela�onship with God, rather than
.411), compassion (total effect of .392), and hu- a psychologically defined a�achment perspec-
mility (total effect of .333) in the sample. �ve, or simple measures of religious ac�vity. In
conjunc�on with Knabb and Wang (2019) this
Research Ques�on 3 study adds to the evidence that a rela�onship
A few data points support the asser�on that with God likely enhances well-being in Chris�-
humility may be a master virtue beyond the ans, and suggests these gains come through
strong model fit sta�s�cs. Cri�cally, rela�ons- changes in emo�onal experience and a sense
hip with God correlated with the increases in of meaning. This aligns with sugges�ons that
compassion (.102, p < .01) and gra�tude (.029, Chris�ans’ experience rela�onship with God as
p < .01) that were mediated through humility. providing a new iden�ty and changed affec�-
Next, increases in humility directly and signifi- ons of the heart (Greggo, 2016; Strawn, 2004).
cantly predicted increases in compassion (.31, Furthermore, these changes in well-being may
p < .01), and to a lesser degree gra�tude (.092, be facilitated through the growth of character
p < .01). The data suggests humility may pro- virtues as Chris�ans relate to God. For Chris�-
ceed as a primary character virtue as the effect ans, it can be suggested that rela�onship with
of a rela�onship with God is par�ally mediated God may serve as an effec�ve posi�ve psycho-
upon gra�tude and compassion through humi- logical method for suppor�ng well-being. Gi-
lity. ven the tense history between religion and psy-
chology this cohesion is posi�ve news (Charry
Discussion & Kosits, 2017). What is not clear is if these fin-
This study tested a causal framework (model) dings hold for those affiliated to other religions
of rela�onships that proposed a rela�onship or rela�onships to a god.
with God is mediated on well-being by the cha-
racter virtues humility, gra�tude, and compas- Character virtue media�on
sion. The model demonstrated good sta�s�cal The current findings support prior studies that
fit to the data. Rela�onships between the varia- found virtues mediated between a rela�onship
bles suggest that a rela�onship with God in the with God and well-being, (e.g., Paine et al.,
life of Chris�ans appears to have substan�al im- 2018; Rosmarin et al., 2011; Steffen & Masters,
plica�ons for character virtue forma�on, which 2005), while also indica�ng rela�ve differences.
then also benefits well-being. It appears the This study illuminates some character changes
three virtues relate differently to a rela�onship to expect in a US Chris�an popula�on if they in-
with God and well-being, and that humility may vest in their rela�onship with God. Reasonable
act as a master virtue in the development of ques�ons emerge; Are US biases shaping Chris-
other character virtues with varying impact (La- �an forma�on? Does the privileged posi�on of
velock et al., 2017). a predominantly white US sample lend this