Page 26 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 20
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gest that humility appears to act as a master la�onship with God through means such as
virtue to both compassion and gra�tude, but to prayer.
significantly different degrees.
Limita�ons and Future Research
Implica�ons for Clinical Educators, Clinicians The sample displays significant homogeneity
and Researchers regarding gender, ethnicity, and culture, which
Prac�cal implica�ons arise that require careful may be a result of the sampling method. The
ethical and cultural sensi�vity. First, given the majority white, female, American sample may
predicted influence of a rela�onship with God limit generalizability. Cross-religious and cross-
on well-being in Chris�ans, fostering clinical cultural interpreta�on may be spurious due to
growth in clinical spiritual competencies is cri�- the deliberate emic orienta�on of the research
cal (Cashwell & Wa�s, 2010). Clinicians require project.
skill to help the Chris�an spiritually inquiring
client develop rela�onship with their God. If Response bias poses a significant threat to ver-
this occurred, it is plausible that character vir- acity as data was anonymous self-report, and
tue gains may promote social benefits that go par�cipants could not be verified. Further, the
beyond measures of well-being. Furthermore, Chris�an popula�on is known to respond to
this study provides knowledge for clinicians surveys in a self-enhancing manner (Gebauer
working with Chris�ans, helping them to et al., 2017), hoping to portray their faith favor-
discern norma�ve poten�al changes to well- ably. Measurement and sta�s�cal error may
being that may arise from a rela�onship with also limit validity given the complexity of cha-
God. For example, it can be noted that sa�sfac- racter virtues and limited measures of well-
�on does not appear to be the norma�ve pri- being.
mary product of well-being in Chris�ans from a
rela�onship with God, and therefore such a The current study warrants repe��on that
goal may be misguided. a�ends to sample diversity, specifically race,
gender, and culture, and u�lizes a true random
For those training Chris�an clinicians, a focus sample. Varia�ons of the current study should
on trainee growth in humility may be warran- seek to clarify the model presented in this stu-
ted as it appears to contribute to well-being dy, assess addi�onal character virtues, and
and other virtues per�nent to the clinical pro- measure or control for Chris�an self-enhance-
fession. For example, focusing on humility may ment.
promote virtue growth that is cri�cal to awa-
reness of others and ac�on on their behalf (La- This study has offered insight into the role of
velock et al., 2017). Increasing evidence links character virtue in media�ng between a Chris-
humility to character virtues and experiences �an rela�onship with God and well-being. The
that are likely to mi�gate compassion-fa�gue study findings provide prac�cal u�lity to clinical
or burnout, and therefore develop personal sa- educators, clinicians, and researchers. Finally,
�sfac�on in Chris�an popula�ons. the authors report no compe�ng interest in the
produc�on of this research.
The cost of compassion must not be forgo�en
for Chris�ans, especially as they may see it as
taking up one's cross. It would be a mistake to
allow such moral convic�ons and desires to li-
mit the care necessary to help Chris�an clini-
cians avoid burnout or compassion fa�gue (Fre-
derick et al., 2018). To help with this concern,
Frederick et al. (2018) recommends spiritual re-
vitaliza�on that depends on an empowering re-