Page 11 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 20
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Paul Loosemore, Ph.D., LPC, NCC is an assistant professor of Clinical
                                      Mental Health Counseling at Covenant Theological Seminary in St Louis,
                                      Missouri. Paul’s primary research interests are spiritual integra�on in
                                      counseling, counselor forma�on, character virtue forma�on, and coun-
                                      selor educa�on. Paul conducts a private prac�ce in the local communi-
                                      ty, working with individuals, couples and families.

        Paul Loosemoore

        Rela�onship with God and Well-being:

        The Role of Character Virtues

        This study clarifies rela�onships between the           Yamanda et al., 2019). This study recognizes an
        following variables: A Chris�an rela�onship             insider or ‘emic’ Chris�an ra�onale for why re-
        with God, character virtues humility, gra�tude          la�onship with God leads to character virtue
        and compassion, and well-being. Path analyses           and subsequently well-being, which leads to
        using data from 2,594 Chris�an adults found             well-being (Knabb & Wang, 2019). However,
        the hypothesized model showed close fit to              current literature also supports this inves�ga�-
        the data (RMSEA = .078, IFI = .978, CFI = .978,         on. Krause and Hayward (2015) have begun to
        X = 149.568, p < .001). Character virtues par�-         iden�fy how a Chris�an rela�onship with God
        ally mediated between a rela�onship with God            may influence character virtues that lead to
        and well-being, and rela�onship with God                well-being, yet called for further studies to cla-
        significantly predicted well-being. Implica�ons         rify how mul�ple character virtues may be im-
        are discussed.                                          plicated between a rela�onship with God and
        Keywords: God; character virtues; well-being;           well-being. Their inquiry stands with other fin-
        gra�tude; humility; compassion                          dings that suggest a Chris�an rela�onship with
                                                                God influences character and ac�on that trans-
                                                                lates into well-being (Greggo, 2016; Miner,
        Rela�onship with God and Well-being: The                2009; Peteet, 2019; Tix et al., 2013) This study
        Role of Character Virtues                               seeks to clarify the impact of a Chris�an’s rela-
        Well-being science is ever more important               �onship with God on character virtue develop-
        amidst concerning rates of mental illness, and          ment by inves�ga�ng humility, gra�tude, and
        the importance of a�ending to personal value            compassion due to prior links between these
        systems (Cashwell & Wa�s, 2010; Helliwell et            virtues, rela�onship with God, and well-being
        al., 2019). Spiritual supports for well-being are       (Jazaieri et al., 2013; Lavelock et al., 2017; Ros-
        warranted given increased concern that the              marin et al., 2011). If a rela�onship with God
        impact of current posi�ve psychological inter-          does increase character virtue and well-being
        ven�ons appears overstated (White et al.,               in Chris�ans, these prosocial changes are per�-
        2019), and there is a return to spirituality and        nent to the science of well-being in the US.
        religion in pursuit of well-being (Peteet, 2019;

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