Page 122 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 2
P. 122

The first number


                Read our first number:
                                                                  giousness: A psychological model and its empirical
                Werner May: We are moving together
             4  Editorial                                    46   Romuald Jaworski: Personal and impersonal reli-
             7  Comment: Nicolene Joubert (South Africa)          verification / Religijność personalna i apersonalna –
             8  Moscow 2011: Some Impressions                     psychologiczny model i jego empiryczna
                                    Focus country: Poland
                Christian Anthropology, Psychology
                                                                  Comment: Toni Terho (Finland)
                     Main articles in English and in Polish
                Anna Rudecka: Introduction to the articles from
             10  and Psychotherapy in Poland                      Christian Psychotherapy
                Poland / Wprowadzenie do artykułów z Polska     58  Anna Ostaszewska: Anxiety Therapy from the Per-
             14  About the artist / artyście Kazimierz Kowalczyk  spective of the Integrative Psychotherapy: A
             18  Step by step we were lead - About the beginnings of   Christian Approach / Terapia lęku z perspektywy
                the Association of Christian Psychologists (ACP)   psychoterapii integratywnej w podejściu
                in Poland. An interview with Agata Rusak /Krok za   chrześcijańskim
                krokiem prowadzeni. Rozmowa z Agatą Rusak    76   Comment: Wolfram Soldan (Germany)
             25  Agata Rusak: About a good non-fulfillment / O dob-  78  Anna Ostaszewska: Insight into a Therapy - Ela /
                rym niespełnieniu                                 Wgląd w terapii – Ela
                                                             85   Contemplation on an interview transcript of thera-
                Christian Anthropology                            peutic sessions – Ela: Elenea Strigo (Russia)
             26  Krysztof Wojcieszek: Nature of Despair / Natura   88  A Portrait / Portret: Władysław Schinzel
             32  Comment: Trevor Griffith (Great Britain)    94   Invitation: Warsaw 2012
                                                                  Forum: Christian Psychology, only for Christians?
                Christian Psychology                         96   Andrey Lorgus (Russia)
             34  Romuald Jaworski:The Role of Religious Trust in   97  Eric Johnson (US)
                Overcoming Conflicts. Empirical Verification of the   98  The Book
                Pastoral Psychology Paradigm / Znaczenie ufności   Psychology in the Spirit - Review: Agnes May (Ger-
                religijnej w przezwyciężaniu konfliktów - Empirycz-  many)
                na weryfikacja paradygmatu psychologii pastoralnej   101  Letters to the Editor
             44  Comment: Roland Mahler (Switzerland)        103  Next number / About us
                                                             104  EMCAPP: Seven statements

                                                       The Artist

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