Page 46 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 17
P. 46
truth is discovered in dialogue between fri- son in relationship with the state structu-
ends which are different, — also in Ukraine, res, concerning its internal decisions and
Werner May expressed his longing: to unite for defense of interests of victims before
psychology and Christian faith and to form courts. The legal status of the Association
an integral identity of psychologists as spe- as NGO opens access to the official infor-
cialists and simultaneously Christians, bea- mation and obliges the state employees to
ring responsibility before science, health respond on its official requests. Mr. Pohori-
care system, psychological societies and lenko told about the concrete points of the
Church. Quoting Dietrich Bonhoeffer, that Associations’ statute, its structure and the
it is impossible to speak about God and the statute activities, especially — an analysis
world without Jesus Christ, he stated that of educational and informational products
our relationship to Jesus Christ — to the (also concerning their destructiveness) and
Triune God — shall be a fundamental reali- an expert evaluation of the scientific ela-
ty of psychology, which forms a life attitude borations. A legal status of the Association
of the psychologists themselves, and deter- opens the possibilities of funding the sepa-
mines their practice, and as well influences rate units in different countries and of in-
their relations with clients and colleagues, ternational cooperation, especially concer-
Christians and non-Christians. Though our ning observance by Ukraine and by other
theological knowledge is partial and limited countries of the international Charters and
(as shown by the plurality of Christian con- Conventions, as, e.g., the “European Con-
fessions), the dialogue and mutual respect vention on Human Rights” and the “Univer-
is possible, also towards the non-Christians sal Declaration of Human Rights”, especial-
and non-believers. Concerning our attitude ly concerning the guaranteeing of the right
towards the different psychological schools, to live from the moment of conception till
Werner May cited the position of St. Basil natural death, influencing thereby the state
the Great about the Christian evaluation juridical structures.
of the different philosophical systems: we
shall conduct ourselves like bees gathering In the following discussions the participants
nectar from different flowers and transfor- discussed the question of Christian virtues
ming it into good honey. (especially a correct understanding of hu-
Werner May acquainted the participants mility), of a proper motivation for ethical
with the psychology and psychotherapy sy- conduct and morally relevant actions, as
stem in Germany, where, unlike the USA, well the difference of a Christian finding of
there is no academic subject “Christian the true “self” of the personality as distinct
psychology” at the Universities, but there from the Buddhist one. At the end they
are two main streams. Nevertheless there discussed the possibility of legal protection
is a possibility to join spiritual elements, of the Christian psychologists who refuse
therefore — also a Christian approach. At to grant some services due to conscience
the end Werner May encouraged to form reasons; the question of legal protection
interconfessional groups of psychologists of the Christian specialists (physicians, phi-
in Ukraine, emphasizing, that common fri- losophers, theologians, scientists of religi-
endly meetings (and a common prayer — on…) from the side of the leftist politically
though from different churches) are more influential but pseudo-scientist groups; the
important than the scientific research it- question of licensing of the Christian psy-
self, and wished a blessed “honey harvest”. chology programs and of defense of scien-
Mr. Arthur Pohorilenko elucidated the le- tific theses of spiritual direction.
gal aspects of the Ukrainian Association (Written in Ukrainian and translated into
of Christian Psychology activities, showing English by Petro Husak.)
advantages of its status as a juridical per-