Page 61 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 15
P. 61

Eric L. Johnson (USA)
             Comment to

             „Attachment Quality and                                   Eric L. John-

             Relevance of the Different                                son,   PhD,
                                                                       is  professor
             Social Agents in the Deve-                                of Christian
             lopment of Healthy, Resi-                                 at  Houston

             lient, Civic, and Spiritual                               Baptist Uni-
                                                                       versity.  He
             Citizens.”                                                taught psychology for 10 years at Uni-
                                                                       versity of Northwestern and counseling
                                                                       for 17 years at Southern Baptist Theo-
             Attachment, Communion, and Agape Love                     logical Seminary. In addition to writing
             I appreciate the opportunity to respond to this           more than 50 articles in peer-reviewed
             fine summary of some of the latest research and           journals,  he  edited  Psychology  and
             theory on the attachment bond, one of the great           Christianity:  Five  Views,  and  was  a
             discoveries  of  modern  psychology.  Christian           co-editor  of  Marriage:  Its  Foundation,
             psychologists have much to be thankful for in             Theology,  and  Mission  in  a  Changing
             this  body  of  research,  since  it  shows  that  hu-    World.  He  has  written  “Foundations
             mans are universally wired by God and evoluti-            for Soul Care: A Christian Psychology
             on to form an affective bond with their earliest          Proposal” and “God and Soul Care: The
             caregivers that contributes significantly to the          Therapeutic Resources of the Christian
             constitution of their relationality, and therefore        Faith.” He was the first director of the
             profoundly affects their wellbeing and relation-          Society  for  Christian  Psychology  and
             ships, for the rest of their lives on earth, inclu-       has been doing pastoral counseling for
             ding their relationship with God.                         20 years.

             In  my  response,  however,  I  would  like  to  ap-      Former contributions in our eJournal
             proach  attachment  from  a  Christian  philoso-          by Eric you can see here:
             phy of psychological science (Johnson, 2007b),  
             rather than observe the secular rules of scienti-
             fic discourse that regulate the texts (and theory
             and research) on the modern attachment mo-      
             del.  For  one  reason,  Christians  need  to  have
             places like this journal, where we can discuss
             psychological  topics  among  ourselves,  using
             all  the  intellectual  and  therapeutic  resources   worldview assumptions to regulate our psycho-
             available  to  us  within  the  Christian  tradition,   logical discourse.
             without feeling the pressure of the naturalistic   To begin with, while the attachment bond, as
             worldview  assumptions  that  currently  dictate   understood  by  modern  psychology,  is  a  rich
             modern psychology discourse. In addition, the     and productive psychological concept, as far as
             worldview of naturalism is intrinsically reduc-   it goes, its scope with regard to human beings
             tionist,  compared  with  a  Christian  worldview   is limited, since it focuses on a relational bond
             (Goetz & Taliaferro, 2008). So we would expect    that human infants have in common with the
             that a modern psychology model of attachment      infants  of  other  higher  primates,  interpreted
             will leave out relevant, higher-order dynamics    according  to  the  assumptions  of  naturalistic
             that are only recognizable if we allow Christian   evolution. Given that paradigmatic context, the

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