Page 29 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 15
P. 29

totally equal to him/his-self. This ego-centered   according to the theologian G. Florovsky, for a
             existence of individuality – the being of human   man created by God, life and existence do not
             nature – is so similar to other nature’s beings,   coincide.  The  main  problematic  context  from
             but surprisingly separated by an “unbridgeable    Christian  psychology  perspective,  thus  shifts
             gap” from another such nature.                    from  a  secure  solution  of  existential  isolation
                                                               problem  to  the  problem  of  the  interrelation
             The  desire  to  integrate  with  the  world,  with   (mostly antinomic) between life, spiritually gi-
             others,  driven  by  fear  of  existential  isolation,   ven by God. and existence generated by human
             according to Yalom, is the driving force behind   nature, within the individual himself. A matter
             many interpersonal relationships. „Getting out    of living life inspired by God is no less challen-
             of this state of interpersonal fusion means fa-   ging and emotionally troubling than facing the
             cing existential isolation, accompanied by fear   abyss of anxiety in existential isolation. Living
             and powerlessness.“ (Yalom, 1999). According      through one‘s own existence reveals the task of
             to  Rank,  birth  is  a  symbol  of  any  process  of   symbolic comprehension of the spiritual con-
             getting out of immersion into wholeness. The      tent and meaning of life. For Christian psycho-
             child, argues Rank, is afraid of life itself (Yalom,   logy the individual path away from horror of
             1999). The process of fusion is the reverse of the   the uncanny (destruction of values, devaluation
             process of birth, it is a movement towards non-   of  morality,  ethical  emptiness,  loneliness  and
             birth.  The  salvatory  fantasy  of  non-loneliness   meaninglessness) lies in the symbolic provision
             vails (denies) the reality of existence as a form   for life of the human spirit in its collision with
             of being of a human nature and the inevitability   the  fearful  and  doomed  logic  of  created  exi-
             of living through one‘s own being in its natura-  stence.
             lism, objectivity and finitude.
             It is hard to imagine that for a created being the   1. Ялом И. Экзистенциальная психотерапия /Yalom
             problem  of  existential  isolation  could  be  ever   I.D. Existential Psychotherapy/. М.: “Класс”, 1999
             solved or even mitigated. On the other hand,

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