Page 3 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 14
P. 3
2 1 Editorial
2 Around The World: The Contributors
4 The first thirdteen numbers
7 About the artist: Diane Fairfield
PART ONE Understanding Stress and Coping
10 Steven L. Voss (USA): A Holistic Perspective of Stress
20 Comment: Maria Joubert (Russia)
21 Romuald Jaworsky (Poland): Stress and the Cross. A psycho-theological interpretation of
human struggle / Stres i krzyż. Psychologiczno-teologiczna interpretacja ludzkich zmagań
32 Comment: Paul C. Vitz (USA)
34 David Nehring (USA): Coping with Stress – Christian Perspectives
45 Comment: Daniel Eytan (Israel)
47 Nicholas DiFonzo (USA): Evil Rumors
53 Comment: Andrey Lorgus (Russia)
54 Stefano Parenti (Italy): Coping the Selye’s Stress Theory with a Thomistic Approach / Adattarsi
alla teoria dello stress di Selye grazie all‘approccio tomista
85 Comment: Krzysztof Wojcieszek (Poland)
89 Stephan Schöbe (Germany): The Personality System Interaction Theory (PSI Theory) and
Stress /Theorie der Persönlichkeits-System-Interaktionen (PSI-Theorie) und Stress
108 Comment: Charles Zeiders
110 Johannes Haack(Germany): Deep spiritual Reading in the digital age – Encounter with god,
live transformation and coping with stress / Tiefes geistliches Lesen im digitalen Zeitalter –
Gottesbegegnung, Lebenstransformation und Stressbewältigung
137 Comment: Kelvin Mutter (Canada)
PART TWO Stress and Mission
140 Téo van der Weele (Netherlands): “The wall of Peace” (Philp. 4: 6-9). How this lead to the
Founding of the School in Denmark and how this worked out in my personal life
151 Comment: Peter Milnes (Australia)
153 Kelly O’Donnell, Heidi Pidcoke, Michèle Lewis O’Donnell (USA / Switzerland): Engaging in
Humanity Care: Stress, Trauma, and Humanitarian Work
168 Laurie A. Tone, Fernando Garzon, John C. Thomas, Brigitte Ritchey, Mike Malek-Ahmadi
(USA)): Stress Perception and Measurement in Missionary Populations
181 Comment: Ullah Dahlen (Finland)
PART THREE Further information
184 Nathaniel Marino (USA): Living in the Larger Story: The Christian Psychology of Larry Crabb.
A Report about the Confernce, May 16-17, 2019, Gideon Institute of Christian Psychology at
Houston Baptist University (USA)
186 Barcelona 2019: An Interview with Friedemann Alsdorf (Germany)
190 Next Number / About us
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