Page 188 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 14
P. 188

Werner May (Germany)                              Friedemann  Als-
             Barcelona 2019:                                   dorf,  Graduate  in

             An Interview with                                 psychology,    psy-
             Friedemann Alsdorf                                supervisor.   After
                                                               short  periods  of
             (Germany)                                         work  in  psychia-
                                                               try  and  a  special
                                                               needs  school  the-
             The  invitation  sent  out  by  the  organisers,  the   re  followed  eight-
             Catholic University Abat Oliba CEU www.uao-       and-a-half years of
    in Barcelona, to this conference last Sep-  responsibility in addiction therapy as part of
             tember, 2019, included these words:               Teen Challenge. Since 1997 at the IGNIS Aca-
             “Does  Christian  anthropology  have  anything    demy, leader of the social therapy area (offering
             to contribute to the health sciences? And can     addiction  counselling,  group  therapy,  social
             psychology or psychiatry alone understand the     work and supervision) and contact person for
             inner phe-                                                                         the  icp,  the
             no me n a                                                                          Institute for
             which  ap-                                                                         Christian
             pear in the                                                                        Psycholo-
             patient?                                                                           gy,    The-
             The  sepa-                                                                         rapy    and
             ration  of                                                                         Pedagogics
             health  sci-                                                                       in  Switzer-
             ences  and                                                                         land.  Now
             Christian                                                                          head  of  the
             a nt h r o -                                                                       I GNIS-
             p o log y                                                                          Academy.
             has  led  to
             an  impo-
             verishment  of  the  public  dialogue.  Christian   Auf dem Einladungstext des Veranstalters, der
             anthropology has suppressed personal experi-      katholischen Universität Abat Oliba CEU www.
             ence, while psychology has often become a sci- in Barcelona, zu dieser Konferenzen
             ence based only on what can be quantified. The    im letzten September, 2019, war zu lesen:
             result of this is that inner life phenomena are   Hat die christliche Anthropologie irgendetwas
             considered only from a psychological point of     zu  den  Gesundheitswissenschaften  beizutra-
             view. Psychiatrists are then forced to separate   gen?  Und  kann  Psychologie  oder  Psychiatrie
             their Christian sensitivity from their analytical   allein die inneren Phänomene verstehen, die in
             thinking. This prevents them from achieving a     der kranken Person auftreten?
             deeper understanding of their patients’ reality.   Die Trennung von Gesundheitswissenschaften
             It also has negative effects on many religious pa-  und  christlicher  Anthropologie  hat  zu  einer
             tients, who encounter no sound arguments to       Verarmung des Dialogs im öffentlichen Raum
             bring themselves into harmony with their inner    geführt. Die christliche Anthropologie hat die
             experience.                                       persönliche  Erfahrung  unterdrückt,  während
             In addition, there is need for reflection within   die  Psychologie  häufig  zu  einer  Wissenschaft
             psychotherapy on the significance of openness     geworden ist, die nur auf dem basiert, was quan-
             for  transcendence  in  the  process  of  personal   tifiziert  werden  kann.  Dies  hat  dazu  geführt,
             growth by means of the cultivation of specific    innere Lebensphänomene nur aus psychologi-
             virtues.                                          scher Sicht zu betrachten. Psychiater sind dann

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