Page 187 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 14
P. 187
Church Glendale in California, spoke of Larry’s testimony that embraced his newly-discovered
dedication and immense love for God’s Holy brother in Christ. The conference concluded
Word, calling Larry “biblically charismatic,” with a message from Larry himself, in which
while gently questioning the tendency he has he shared several “landmark” moments in his
observed in Larry’s writings to focus more on life and principles he’s learned. One the most
the negative in the Christian life and commu- notable pieces of wisdom Larry shared was the
nity, rather than the positive, given the overall growing realization that “love teaches the soul
positive trajectory of Christ’s redemption. more deeply than evil.”
There was also an opportunity for those in at- Larry Crabb has impacted countless people
tendance to say a few words about how Larry over the decades in his pursuit of a Christi-
has impacted their life. One gentlemen stood an psychology. As such, he is a role model for
up and shared with Larry how he was led to others in the field, to whom we should listen
the Lord through Larry’s singing at a Spanish- and emulate. As he said at the conference, „My
Presbyterian church many years ago. Converted focus is not to live between my birth and my
from Islam, his family shunned him when they death, but between the cross and the coming.“
learned of his newfound faith in Jesus, but all May we all follow him in that redemptive fra-
have now come to know Him as their Savior ming of our lives.
and Lord. Larry, was so touched by this man’s