Page 174 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 14
P. 174

explore response bias. Social desirability factors   terms  of  ethnicity,  with  93%  reporting  white
             were examined using the 13-item Short Form        non-Hispanic. The majority (82%) of the samp-
             C  of  the  Marlowe-Crowne  Social  Desirability   le  reported  the  United  States  of  America  as
             Scale (Reynolds, 1982). This shortened -versi-    their home or passport country. The countries
             on in a true/false response format provides the   or geographical areas of service span the globe
             closest language to missionary populations and    with  92%  of  respondents  reporting  that  their
             was found in studies by Reynolds (1982) to be     country of service felt relatively stable and safe,
             reliable and valid.                               or if unstable still felt relatively safe. Only 28%
             The  Institutional  Review  Board  (IRB)  of  Li-  reported language proficiency as either poor or
             berty  University  approved  this  study  prior  to   beginner/survivor level.
             its  initiation.  Participants’  data  was  collected   There was a wide range of previous cross-cul-
             through the Survey Monkey website, downloa-       tural experience before the current term. This
             ded to an Excel spreadsheet, and analyzed using   range varied from 0-3 months (25%) up to more
             Systat statistical software.                      than 20 years (11%). There was also a wide ran-
                                                               ge  of  time  frames  in  the  current  assignment
             Results                                           with  the  most  frequent  response  of  3-5  years
             Participant Characteristics                       (27%).
             During the one-month time frame, 361 parti-       In  this  sample  82%  reported  having  member
             cipants accessed the survey via the internet. Of   care services available or available upon request.
             those,  94  were  eliminated  due  to  incomplete   In this sample the following percentages were
             responses  or  they  did  not  meet  eligibility  for   reported as agreeing or strongly agreeing that
             the  study.  This  resulted  in  267  valid  surveys.   they felt supported by family back home (82%),
             The  majority  (70%)  of  the  study  sample  were   friends (73%), and by their organization (73%).
             females. Individuals between the ages of 31 to    Based on scales used to measure response bias,
             40 comprised the largest age group of the samp-   the participants answered the questionnaire in
             le (31%). Seventy percent (70%) of the sample     an unbiased fashion.
             reported being currently married with 80% re-
             porting their spouse was from the same coun-      Perception of Stress
             try of origin. The sample was homogenous in       Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) noted that

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