Page 131 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 13
P. 131

             than spacetime.”  As a Christian, it is fairly easy   Embodied Love
             to understand that it is not only our individu-   Somatic Psychotherapy is based on principles
             al selves, but all of creation, the entire known   arising  from  wisdom  that  was  deeply  under-
             world, is simultaneously a manifestation of God   stood by ancient systems of healing and by my-
             and continuously arising from God, where we       stics: namely, we are one integrated and inter-
             ‘live and breathe and have our being.’            related body. In the recent past, our scientific
                                                               advances have been able to validate this long-
             Syncing                                           held truth.
             Another  example  of  how  interconnected  we     One of Jesus’ principle injunctions, according to
             are is found in syncing. The natural law of cou-  his disciples, was telling us to ‘Fear Not.’ In my
             pled  oscillators  holds  that  when  two  or  more   understanding, this deeply aligns to my work as
             rhythms meet, they will become coordinated—       a  somatic  psychotherapist.  Supporting  clients’
             a phenomenon seen across the natural world,       transformation of patterns rooted in fear allows
             from fireflies matching their flashes, to women’s   a space where hope can grow. This spaciousness
             menstrual periods harmonizing when they live      means that clients can literally breathe more ea-
             together, to the scattered clapping in a crowd    sily, allowing for more life. As they experience
             spontaneously falling into the same pattern.      healing,  clients  will  often  use  language  that
             In somatic psychotherapy this natural syncing     points  to  their  increased  capacity  to  embody
             or resonance is used to facilitate a client’s dee-  love. Phrases such as, ‘I feel more clarity’’ My
             pening awareness and healing. Earlier I mentio-   chest  feels  more  open’,  ‘My  body  feels  lighter,
             ned how my body attunes to my client’s through    less burdened’ all indicate how this journey to
             my own physical sensations. I liken this to when   an embodied place of wholeness and health is
             a still tuning fork begins to vibrate (if it has the   holy work. And one I believe, that contributes
             same  natural  frequency)  next  to  a  second  tu-  to bringing God’s realm here on earth.
             ning fork that is struck.                         My journey in somatic psychotherapy has re-
             This syncing is of course reciprocal and can be   sulted  in  my  body  being  a  much  more  com-
             used to support clients. For instance, if a client   fortable place in middle age than when I was
             is in a state of despair or hopelessness, as a the-  in my twenties. Understanding that I am one
             rapist I will hold the place of hope or possibi-  unified being, not an aggregated sum of body,
             lity for their healing until the client can begin   mind, and spirit, leads me to embrace all of my-
             to connect to that place inside themselves. As    self and all of my client’s self. As Agnes Sanford
             Christians, this notion is one that is naturally   emphasized, God took great pains to become
             associated  with  prayer.  As  a  Quaker,  when  I   incarnate. Incorporating the body is essential in
             pray, I focus on ‘holding someone in the Light’.   the holy work of releasing the hold of fear, lear-
             In doing so, I can imagine that the resonance     ning to embody and enact love, and saying yes
             of that which participates in God within them,    to God’s promise found in 2 Corinthians 5:17.
             is being amplified by the resonance of the light   “This means that anyone who belongs to Christ
             from which we both arise.                         has become a new person. The old life is gone; a
             “God is light and joy and peace, and [when we     new life has begun!” (New Living Translation)
             are  ill]  we  are  …in  darkness  and  sorrow  and
             discomfort.” “Let us not be ashamed to accept     References
             healing from another when we cannot find it by    Kolassa, I.T., & Elbert, T. “Structural and functional neu-
             our own efforts.” 6                               roplasticity in relation to traumatic stress.” Current
                                                               Directions in Psychological Science, 2007:16, p. 321-325.
                                                               Wingenfeld K, Wolf, O.T. “Stress, memory, and the Hip-
                                                               pocampus” In: The Hippocampus in Clinical
             5 Siegfried, T. “Quantum spookiness survives its toughest   Neuroscience. S. Karger AG; 2014: p. 109–120.
             tests:  Entanglement’s  weirdness  leads  to  new  view  on   Yehuda R, Bierer, L.M. “The relevance of epigenetics to
             emergence  of  spacetime”  Science  News.  January  27,   PTSD: implications for the DSM‐V.” Journal Trauma
             2016. Accessed June 14, 2019. https://www.sciencenews.  Stress 2009: 22: p.427‐34.
             6 Sanford, Agnes. The Healing Light. New York: Ballanti-
             ne Books 1972, p.74                           129
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