Page 33 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 11
P. 33

trolled her. Rachel could now see the contrast    could accept Christ’s words for her, it was ne-
             between relating to her son and to herself and    cessary to contrast her father’s voice with her
             began to recognize the viciousness as ego-alien.   voice to her son, and then hear Christ’s words
             Rachel and I began to understand the meaning      to her through me.
             of “germs.” Her feeling of badness was so inten-  Ridding herself of the bad was not the same as
             se  and  annihilating  that  she  needed  to  attach   experiencing her desire and goodness. The lon-
             it to something outside of herself—something      ging  for  goodness  burgeoned  in  Rachel  who
             she could potentially control. Her compulsion     began to ask her husband to love her not just
             to defend against the invasion of germs beca-     because  she  had  problems,  but  because  she
             me her defense against her repressed, terrifying   was bright and witty and good. She returned to
             sense of her own badness. Equally terrifying was   church and was exhilarated when someone in-
             the possibility of her badness, now symbolized    advertently brushed her shoulder and she could
             by the germs, hurting or destroying anyone else.   say to herself, “You are OK. You can enjoy this
             At times, I was swept into excitement for Rachel’s   service and not get up and wash. You are safe.”
             progress, when we celebrated her growth. So-       Rachel discovered desire. She realized that she
             metimes I was too pushy with her and flooded      desired a home of her own. These were difficult
             her  with  possibilities  of  freedom  beyond  her   months as Rachel oscillated between letting go
             capability,  and  she  learned  to  tell  me  this.  At   and having the desire of her heart fulfilled. She
             such times, I became the demeaning parent and     pictured herself stepping out of an imaginary
             I  apologized  to  Rachel.  Rachel  was  defended   door of her fantasized home and walking into a
             against awareness of anger with her parents. She   field. With each passing week, she would walk
             feared that a part of herself truly was destructi-  further  toward  a  field  of  wildflowers.  During
             ve. We came to understand her parents’ behavi-    one appointment, Rachel exclaimed, “I was not
             ors as aspects of their brokenness. Rachel could   created so fragile. Where is the frontier? I want
             then have both anger and compassion for them.     to have the desires of my heart.” I shared with
             She also achieved compassion for herself becau-   her my image of her as a little girl twirling and
             se she so desperately wanted to be connected to   twirling and she replied that in fact, that very
             the parents that inhabited her mind.              week, she had “done that.”
                                                               Treatment is on-going for Rachel. She and her
             Resurrection                                      husband built a home - her home—the way she
             As summer approached, Rachel experimented         wanted it. She even oversaw the installation of
             with removing her coat. It would be much la-      their sewer! She attends church regularly and
             ter when she removed her gloves. Being a very     her germ avoidance has converted into her abi-
             bright woman has aided Rachel’s therapy: She      lity to clean and organize the church. Her pain
             has utilized interpretations given in a spirit of   as  a  child  and  anger  at  her  mistreatment  has
             love and she has revealed with each new step      fueled her love of working in the church nurse-
             of freedom. A particular day stands out in her    ry and caring for children. She can even gather
             mind.  During  reverie  in  an  appointment,  I   trash and enter medical facilities!
             shared a thought with Rachel. After a particu-    Not too long ago, Rachel pointed to her ankles
             larly harsh attack upon herself, my grief while   and  explained  that  this  was  the  height  of her
             listening prompted me to ask, “May I share with   health when she entered this relationship with
             you  a  thought  I  just  had?”  She  said,  “Yes.  Of   me. She gestured upward on her body and ex-
             course.” I said, “I just had this sense that God   plained that now she is “…growing and growing
             was  saying  to  you,  “O,  my  child,  if  you  only   and  pushing  the  badness  out.”  Rachel’s  resili-
             knew how much I love you.” She writes of this     ence has been essential to her maturation, and
             moment,  “The  turning  point,  when  my  heart   our love for each other and the leading of the
             looked up to the love of my Heavenly Father,      Holy Spirit that is “pushing the badness out.”
             and for the first time, could fathom the existence
             of real healing. What is a miracle, but a work of
             God---some just happen slowly.” Before Rachel

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