Page 62 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 9
P. 62
We also should recognize that some of Houde’s References
points already have been addressed by presen- Titus, C.S., Vitz, P.C., Nordling, W.J., & the IPS
tations published in this journal; his contribu- Group. (Nov. 1, 2016). Theological and philoso-
tions provide support for the work of these and phical premises for a Catholic Christian meta-
other Christian psychologists. model of the person. Unpublished manuscript,
Institute for the Psychological Sciences, Divine
One last comment: Houde’s position has been Mercy University, Arlington, Virginia.
greatly influenced by a paper of the IPS Group
(2014) which he cited. The work by this group
has been significantly up dated in a recently re-
leased article. (See Titus, Vitz, Nordling & the
IPS Group, 2016.)