Page 24 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 9
P. 24

Elena Strigo (Russia)
             The Moral Word in

             Reconstruction of Person
             in Сhristian Psychotherapy

             “Evil is the state in which one finds the nature
             of those personal beings who have turned from
                                           Vladimir Lossky
                                                                  Elena Strigo (Russia),  psychologist,  psy-
             The aim of Christian therapy is associated with      chotherapist, European Certificate in Psy-
             a  basic  anthropological  point:  the  nature  of  a   chotherapy  (EAP).  Full  member  of  the
             human being as a person, which leads us to re-       Professional  Psychotherapeutic  League  of
             storation and recreation of the anthropological      Russia. Head of the Psychological Counse-
             image of a man. The therapeutic reconstruction       ling Centre ABIGAIL, Krasnoyarsk, Russia.
             of person in Christian therapy becomes equal to      President of the Krasnoyarsk Regional So-
             the exploration of patient‘s personality, with the   ciety  of  Christian  Psychologists  and  Psy-
             goal of uncovering and fulfilment of the image       chotherapists.
             and likeness of God in the patient’s person.
             I . Human person.
             A human being is a person, and his person is         Article by Elena Strigo you can see here:
             not reducible to his individual human nature.
             The nature of a man is a complex compound:
             body, soul and spirit. Theology emphasizes the
             irreducibility of person to soul; the natural basis   cludes the nature in itself”. The theologians use
             of the soul and the spiritual basis of the person.   the special term ‚enhypostasized‘ for the nature
             The person is the image and likeness of God.      which is included in a person or hypostasis.
             The living and personal God created man „in       “A person becomes the perfect image of God by
             His image and likeness“. The reality and the hu-  acquiring that likeness, which is the perfection
             man character of the soul’s life finds its unique   of the nature common to all men” (V. Lossky).
             expression in the reality of the person as a divine   “The distinction between persons and nature re-
             personal being. The reality of the personal being   produces the order of the divine life, expressed
             in a human being is established as the hyposta-   by the doctrine of the Trinity, in mankind. It is
             tic manifestation of the universal human soul.    the  foundation  of  all  Christian  anthropology,
             The  person  is  not  reducible  to  the  soul;  their   of all evangelical living”, as “Christianity is an
             relation is synonymity, but not equality. This is   imitation of the nature of God” (V. Lossky). A
             the mutual fulfillment of two different realities.   person is a sign of Godly image and likeness of
             The irreducibility of the person to human na-     God.
             ture (soul) does not mean contrasting them as     Person is not a general concept, not a set of qua-
             two different realities. The living human nature   lities or personal attributes, but a sign introdu-
             manifests itself in the nature of the spiritual life.   cing us in the domain of incommunicabilis, (V.
             The personality has all the qualities of a living   Lossky), in which there is nothing marked as ‘a
             soul, but at the same time, it is not reducible to   person’.
             the soul. According to V. Lossky “It is not, then,   The  person  manifests,  through  the  hypostatic
             a part of our nature which corresponds to the     word, the being of a soul; the word which acts to
             image of God in us, but the person which in-      mold, to shape, to create a unique way of being

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