Page 20 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 9
P. 20

suffering as inevitably bad and thus to be avo-   our willfulness and sin, some the result of being
             ided at all costs. A thorough reading of the Bible   fallen creatures (this would include the simpler
             leads to the inescapable conclusion that a life of   problems and things that might be diagnosed)
             living for God involves suffering – in fact, more   some the inevitable result of following him in
             suffering that one might have had if he or she    a hostile world, and some from our misappro-
             were outside the faith. Joseph or Job are pro-    priation of faith in the midst of hardship.
             totypal examples from the Old Testament, and      The mission of the Christian counselor, then, is
             Paul in the New. Above them all is Jesus who      to formulate how the person is moving toward
             “for the joy set before him endured the cross,    Christlikeness, what hindrances are in the way,
             despising  the  shame,”  (Hebrews  12:2).  This   what suffering is normal and what is not, and
             means the Christian counselor should be slow      how  to  steer  the  person  on  the  way  to  these
             to seek the alleviation of pain until one can see   goals so that their lives are God-centered. Be-
             the context and meaning of it. To be clear: suf-  neath this umbrella may be the need for clarity
             fering is still suffering, and all of us would prefer   in  understanding  the  nature  of  the  Christian
             a world without it, but that world is yet to come.   life and being in the world as redeemed sinners,
             The issue for now is what does suffering repre-   or a clearer understanding of suffering combi-
             sent in light of the goals we have presented? A   ned with a wise way of coping with it when it
             fear of speaking is suffering that might easily be   cannot be eliminated, or even stepping forward
             remedied, but what of the suffering of attending   in faith toward righteousness when it might ex-
             to a spouse with Alzheimer’s? Or of standing up   acerbate suffering. It may involve stepping into
             for Christ in a workplace hostile to faith?       community  with  the  risks  that  involves,  and
                                                               promoting  healthy  relationships  with  others.
             One  must  also  consider  that  faith  may  mani-  Sometimes  this  will  be  more  like  removing  a
             fest itself in unhealthy ways, and correcting this   splinter,  and  sometimes  more  like  treatment
             may be part of what needs to happen in coun-      of aggressive cancer (if I can invoke a medical
             seling. Many men have justified unloving beha-    metaphor). Our biblical worldview shapes our
             vior toward their wives in the name of exerting   understanding of the meaning of life and suffe-
             authority over them. Others, confused by mo-      ring, and the nature of persons as made in God’s
             dern ideas of life being constant pleasure, blame   image yet born with a proclivity to sin. Secular
             God for hard times and either feel he is angry    psychology can offer us insights into how these
             with them or punishing them for some sin in       things manifest themselves in life and even give
             their lives. Even secular authors such as Parga-  some helpful suggestions to understanding how
             ment (summarized in Sisemore, 2015, Chapter       we become tangled in our thoughts and emoti-
             11) have shown the negative outcomes of coun-     ons. It also can offer some techniques that may
             seling when these issues are left unaddressed.    help in pursuing the goals we have discussed.
             Pargament  (2007)  has  even  developed  a  mo-
             del of spiritually-oriented psychotherapy built   One last observation is the degree to which one
             around a generic treatment of the problems that   particular form of secular therapy can be adap-
             may occur in pursuing meaning through faith.      ted to fit these goals, and that is Acceptance and
             While it is not explicitly Christian, it concedes   Commitment  Therapy  (ACT;  Hayes,  Strosahl,
             that faith concerns may themselves be part of (if   & Wilson, 2012). There are some challenges in
             not most of) the problems that bring people in    so doing (Sisemore, 2014), but here is the basic
             for counseling.                                   idea. ACT argues that life is about rallying be-
             Summarizing  the  Goals  of  Christian  Counse-   havior to serve one’s values, accepting that there
             ling                                              may be suffering along the way. It is less about
                                                               eliminating suffering, but limiting suffering to
             Pulling some of this together, in the Christian’s   the inevitable challenges for living into one’s va-
             pursuit of union and communion with God and       lues. For Christians, this translates to aligning
             others, God in his providence will interject suf-  our lives and goals with the ultimate goals of
             ferings at times. Some of this will be the result of   union and communion with Christ and fellow-

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