Page 194 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
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care, enhance recovery, promote human rights development organizations; b) World Reports
and reduce the mortality, morbidity and disabi- on special topics; c) links to several News/Me-
lity for persons with mental disorders (p. 9). It’s dia Sources; d) recent resources from the United
four main objectives are Nations, humanitarian,
to: “strengthen effective and the global health/
leadership and gover- mental health sectors;
nance for mental health; and e) reflections on the
provide comprehensi- importance of informed,
ve, integrated mental skilled, and critical part-
health and social care nering for sustainable
services in community- development.
based settings; imple-
ment strategies for pro- Further steps. We believe
motion and prevention that getting a variety of
in mental health; and input to help shape and
strengthen informati- support GI is essential.
on systems, evidence Organizing informal GI
and research for men- roundtables/consultati-
tal health” (p. 10). More ons (online and in vivo)
ideas for relating the and including GI and
Action Plan to the work Dr. Kelly and Dr. Michèle O’Donnell are GI-related topics as part
of MHPs and vice versa consulting psychologists based in Geneva of conferences, acade-
are in the WHO mh- with Member Care Associates. Their profes- mic courses, articles,
GAP Newsletters. sional emphases include several GI-related and webinars would be
areas: the health/effectiveness of mission/ helpful. Ultimately, one
Our work as psycholo- aid personnel and their organizations, global of the greatest opportu-
gists in GI is strategi- mental health, sustainable development, and nities for further develo-
cally based in Geneva. anti-corruption. In addition to their regular ping GI would be orga-
It includes regular in- Member Care Updates and Global Integrati- nizing a new coalition(s)
teractions with per- on Updates, their recent publications inclu- of colleagues who are
sonnel/events in the de overview articles on global mental health committed to GI, in-
United Nations, World (Psychology International, 2014, 2015), cluding a multi-sectoral
Health Organizati- member care history (International Bulletin entity and one for speci-
on, and international of Mission Research, 2015), and volume two fic GI emphases such as
NGOs—and hence in the Global Member Care series, Crossing GI-MH. Serving all the
materials, perspectives, Sectors for Serving Humanity (2013). above GI components
and resources that we could be a core group
review and then share of colleagues, a growing
with colleagues. We global network, a special
regularly send out Glo- GI website, and an en-
bal Integration Updates to over 1900 colleagues dowment to help make it all happen.
as part of our commitment to foster “common
ground for the common good” and “perso- Finally, we want to emphasize that GI, given the
nal transformation for social transformation”. pressing issues facing our world, is a crucial di-
The Updates are archived on our main website rection for the diversity of Christians involved
(Member Care Associates). The December 2015 in mental health. Glen Moriarty’s 2012 article
Update, “Staying Current-Navigating the News”, on the future of integration calls for “integrati-
is especially relevant (O’Donnell and Lewis on systems” that are more diverse, global, and
O’Donnell, 2015c). It includes a) Newsletters/ with more in-roads in non-religious settings.
Updates from some of the larger humanitarian- The excerpt below, a supportive admonishment