Page 189 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 189


        Gladys Mwiti & Al Dueck
        Christian Counselling.

        An African Indigenous Perspective

        2006, Passadena: Fuller Seminary Press, 309 pages

                                       Agnes May, Germany
                                       Training in religious education and
                                       adult  education.  Since  1998  at  the
                                       IGNIS Institute as editor, writer and
                                       adult  educator  for  the  correspon-
                                       dence course Foundations of Chri-
                                       stian Psychology, since 2004 as per-
                                       son in charge of this course.
                                       Articles by Agnes:

             This book is worth reading not only for those,    Review by Agnes May (Germany)
             who have to do with African counselees, but for
             all, who want to reflect on the interrelationship   In the first three chapters, you learn about basics
             of counselling, world-view, culture, faith, ideas   of a specific African and Christian approach to
             of self, others and God, for all, who want to re-  counselling.
             flect on their own understanding of counselling
             and Christian counselling.                        Chapter 1 “Dis-membered and Re-membered”
                                                               describes  the  situation  of  the  African  people
             It  is  written  in  an  understandable  way  as  a   who have been separated from their past, cultu-
             handbook for the training courses in “Christian   re, identity… by western colonialism, especially
             Counselling:  An  African  Indigenous  Perspec-   been “dis-membered” by the ideals of western
             tive” that have been developed by Fuller (since   individualism,  and  who  have  to  be  re-mem-
             2004) in order to provide a counselling training   bered  to  their  fundamental  resources.  “Our
             for evangelists, counsellors, church planters, pa-  greatest challenge is that Africans walk around
             stors, and leaders in the two-thirds world. You   like paupers and beggars when in fact they are
             also get DVDs and a comprehensive instructio-     rich and blessed… The Christian counsellor can
             nal manual that supports those lessons (milli-    become the connection between vacuums and
                                     vitalities… Christ is essential to any reconstruc-
                                                               tion  and  re-membering  of  Africa.  He  opens
             The authors are Dr. Gladys Mwiti and Al Dueck.    our eyes to see the many resources that can be
             Mwiti  is  a  clinical  psychologist  and,  together   used to rebuild and reclaim – resources such as
             with  her  husband  Gershon,  founder  of  Oasis   meaningful symbols, proverbs, rituals, and folk
             Africa (a pan-African professional counselling    tales. With these resources, Christian counsel-
             and  behavioral  healthcare  organization  http://  ling becomes not merely another rescue opera-
     Al  Dueck  is  professor   tion, but the opportunity to rebuild the broken
             of  Integration  of  Psychology  and  Theology  at   in  partnership  with  the  Master  Architect.”  (p.
             Fuller Theological Seminary’s School of Psycho-   19-20)

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