Page 176 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 176
Step 6: Gladys K. Mwiti, Kenya
We cannot understand who a person is until we appreciate how he came
together, how he then came apart, and the plan that restores him together
again. Christians believe that humanity did not arise out of a big bang in
some atmosphere. Africans share the conviction that each human being Gladys K. Mwiti,
is a methodical intricate creation by God who is sovereign over all things. PhD, Consulting Cli-
The Almighty also seeks a close relationship with each individual who he nical Psychologist,
“fearfully and wonderfully made,” (Psalm 139:14). is founder and CEO,
Oasis Africa Center
I come from a tribal community that valued this relationship and sought for Transformational
to maintain it at every cost. Among the Meru people of Kenya, if there Psychology and Trau-
was no rain, a commodity that spells life or death, people would seek to ma Expertise.
know why the Sustainer of the Universe has not sent rain in its season. She is Chair, Kenya
After all, he holds the world together and controls wind and rain, sen- Psychological As-
ding what his people need at the opportune time. No rain meant dis- sociation; Interim
pleasure. We have sinned. Broken your law. We have made you sad. The Chair, Kenya Society
Priests and Elders would then go up the mountain to pray, sacrifice and for Traumatic Stress
beseech God, or Ngai to have mercy on his creation. The name for God Studies; member,
in my tribe is Murungu or Almighty One, but He is also known as Ngai, Board of Directors,
the same name for rain. Indeed, rain is also used to denote blessing. International Society
for Traumatic Stress
When the Priests and Elders left for the Mountain (Mount Kenya) to Studies; and member,
pray and sacrifice, the whole community would wait pensively in prayer. Lausanne Congress
Many tales have been told that on the day this team descends coming for World Evangeli-
down the Mountain, a heavy downpour would precede them into the zation Care & Coun-
villages. Ngai always heard prayer, forgave sin and responded by reple- sel as Mission Global
nishing the earth. He is a God in perpetual relationship with his people. Leadership Team. Dr.
What would be central in the cause for drought? Many of the misdemea- Mwiti, pioneer for
nors were broken relationships: between an individual or community transformational and
and God or between a group of communities or individuals and God. integrative psycholo-
For example, failure to care or stewardship of the environment was pu- gy in Kenya desires
nishable by denial of rain and so drought and famine resulted. Abuse of that the Church be re-
orphans, widows and the disabled led to the same demonstration of the minded that in Christ
effects of a broken relationship expressed as disobedience. By taking care and among us, we
of the most vulnerable, the community was taking care of God’s people have all the resour-
and so obeying his law. ces we need for the
healing and transfor-
I remember well that as children, we were taught to be concerned for the mation of the Nations
elderly, the blind and the feeble minded. The elderly you help them carry beginning with the
their load. The blind, you help them cross the road. You do not laugh at household of faith.
those slow in mentally acuteness, even those with dribble falling on their
besmirched stinking attire. These too are your brothers. Attend to them.
Failure to do so might attract God’s disfavor because he sees you all the