Page 157 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 157


        The human person and the human


        1. Reflections on the text by Andrey Lorgus

        In searching for the particularities of human nature, Andrey Lorgus correct-
        ly points to the category of the person as the most important determinant
        of the truth which is man. “The person” – this is a philosophical or religious
        term. But if, in psychology, we want to grasp what is most human in order to   Romuald Jaworski,
        defend ourselves against a reductionist view of man, the personalistic con-    dr.  hab.,  psycholo-
        cept appears especially important and useful. For, among the creatures living   gist,  psychotherapist,
        on earth, the human being, and only the human being, is a person.              supervisor,  catholic
                                                                                       priest,  professor  at
        Man as a person, because of his similarity to God, is indeed “the master of    the  Cardinal  Stefan
        his existence” – as A. Lorgus writes. The term “person” relates to man. An     Wyszynski University
        enriched understanding of this could be achieved by the cognitive double       in Warsaw, for sverla
        perspective which is derived from philosophy and psychology. The interpre-     years president of the
        tation of the functioning of the person is of course different in psychology   Association  of  Chri-
        and philosophy compared to theology. Each of these fields, however, reveals    stian   Psychologists
        specific, interesting and important information about the person.              (ACP) in Poland.
                                                                                       He  is  the  author  of
        Describing the person in relation to his characteristics or attributes is closer   several  books  and
        to psychology than philosophy, which takes its orientation more from the       articles in the field of
        question of the essence of the human being. One important question, howe-      psychology  of  religi-
        ver, remains open: how does a person exist? Is a person a real existence or a   on  and  pastoral  psy-
        hypothetical construct?                                                        chology.

        The word “person” meant, for the Etruscans and Romans, the mask of an ac-
        tor, through which the voice of the actor sounded (“personus” – from “per-
        sonare”). In Greece, the word prosopon was used, which is derived from the     Articles by Romuald:
        verb “to see, to be visible”. Persona (prosopon) played the role of the mes-   http://emcapp.ignis.
        senger. It was used to conceal direct experience of the actor and to present   de/1/#/34
        the state of the feelings of the hero represented. The ability to communicate   http://emcapp.ignis.
        (above all in dialogue) is a specific human disposition. This dimension of     de/1/#/46
        inter-personal communication also raises the question of the genuineness of    http://emcapp.ignis.
        the identity of the man who uses a mask.                                       de/3/#/4
        The identity of the human race is not the sum of the attributes (rationali-    de/2/#/116
        ty, freedom, dignity, responsibility), but the experience of oneself as subject
        and object simultaneously. Andrey Lorgus rightly emphasises that the per-
        son expresses itself in a certain attitude to others and to the world, and that
        therapy is the motion towards a personal realisation, a returning-to-oneself,
        a returning-to-others, and a returning-to-God.

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