Page 150 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 8
P. 150

Foundational Discussions in Christian Psychology

             Vibeke Möller (Denmark)                                Vibeke  Møller

             Comment to                                             (D enmark),

             „Blessing – a life style“                              MD,  psycho-
                                                                    therapist,  di-
                                                                    rector and ow-
                                                                    ner  of  IPSICC
             It has been refreshing to read this article about      – International
             blessing.  You  find  blessings  (God  blesses  the    Psychothera-
             man and the woman) from the first chapter in           peutic  School
             the Bible and then through the whole Bible. It         in   Christian
             is seldom that you read about blessings or hear        Culture.
             it preached. His article reminds me of the book
             “The Gentle Art of Blessings” by Pierre Prader-                         Contribution by Vibeke

             I am sure that if we practiced blessings much
             more our world would look different.

             Blessings  are  very  powerful  and  can,  as  Jou-  Jesus told us to bless those who persecute us. Is
             bert writes, have different forms, and different   this a command or an invitation? I would trans-
             words can be used as in Luke 10: 5 “Peace to this   late it as an invitation. Jesus invites all the times.
             house”. As far as I know The Faroe Islands still   I do not agree with Joubert´s writing about for-
             use God´s peace as a greeting when they enter     giveness. Not that I am against forgiveness. It
             a  house,  and  I  have  experienced  the  same  in   has to have its right place in people´s life and
             Sweden. You can also find parents on The Faroe    history. I have experienced again and again in
             islands say “God Bless you”, when they send the   churches that people have been forced to forgi-
             children to school. It is a part of their culture.   ve before they have been ready for it. Jesus ne-
             To bless a house, people etc. with peace has an   ver forced people to forgive.
             enormous effect, because the peace with which
             you  bless  people  is  shalom.  Shalom  means  to   The Lord´s prayer: Forgive us the wrongs we
             heal you, make you as a newborn baby without      have done as we forgive the wrongs others have
             any spot or blemish.                              done  to  us.  What  does  that  mean?  Does  that
                                                               mean that if I do not forgive those who have
             As Willem Joubert writes you can bless nearly     hurt me then God will not forgive me and I will
             everything in a person´s life. What I think is    not go to heaven? If this is true then our salvati-
             very important is that you bless specific areas.   on is conditional. In the Syrian Bible it says we
             This could be to bless a person´s emotions to     will forgive those who have hurt us. There is no
             expand. For example, many people, who have        time limit when you have to forgive.
             been abused, do not have any anger about what
             has happened to them. Those, who work with        Forgiveness is a process and it can take many
             abused people, know that the backbone of he-      years to come to that point. In my organizati-
             aling  is  anger.  So  you  can  bless  the  anger  in   on we talk about the school of forgiveness. You
             them to grow and come out.                        start  one  day  in  school  and  you  ask  God  to
                                                               teach you how to forgive just as you learn dif-
             How do you bless: Do you just say “I bless this   ferent subjects in school starting in grade one.
             and that”? Or do you say “I bless you with cou-   In my opinion, there is something missing in
             rage and strength to do this or that”? When God   his outline about forgiveness:
             blessed the first people on earth in Genesis 1 he
             also said “Be fruitful”.

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