Page 203 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 7
P. 203
Books of EMCAPP-Friends, published 2014-15
Saara Kinnunen (Finland)
Reconciliation with Life (in Finnish).
Perussanoma 2014.
Saara Kinnunen, who holds a Master´s degree in both in Philosophy and
Political Science, is a Social Psychologist and a Psychotherapist. Her book
Reconciliation with Life integrates in one volume aspects of Christian
faith, several theories in the field of psychotherapy and a thorough clini-
cal experience in both psychotherapy and Christian counseling.
See more:
This book by Trevor Griffiths (Great Britain) explains why Stephen
Hawkins will never be able to develop a ‘Theory of Everything’, because
first physics needs a ‘Theory of Everyone’. Thinking and feeling have to be
parts of such theories…
Building Bridges of Grace: The strength and resilience of an emotional-
ly intelligent Church tells the story how understanding triune principles
opens a new World beyond the arguments between traditional Christian
religions: Eastern Orthodox; Roman Catholic; Reformed Protestant. It gi-
ves a scientific basis for both a secular and a spiritual call to safe reconci-
liation in this new Millennium. A new world order can emerge by triune
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Anna Ostaszewska (Poland)
Integrative Psychotherapy, a Christian Approach (in Polish),
In the concept impress with a lucid, coherent and systematic exploration
of the interface between integrative psychotherapy and spirituality in
which she distinguish between healthy and unhealthy spirituality.
The author made a reasoned and substantial case for the assimilation of
spirituality into her approach to integrative psychotherapy which neit-
her compromises her faith nor the profession of psychotherapy. This is a
commendable achievement. The capacity to speak with authority to both
worlds is rare in my experience. (Kenneth Evans)