Page 66 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 66

Church Traditions for a Christian Psychology

             What constitutes skillful living and skillful rela-  ding of the brain and its strengths and weaknes-
             tionships?                                        ses.
             I felt like I was home.                           I would like to have more time for contempora-
             A  professor  suggested  further  study  at  CCEF,   ry novels. I usually take my cue from the New
             which had its start in the early 1970’s. There I   York Times Book Review and will read one that
             would observe the beginnings of biblical coun-    it reviews favorably. I am drawn to novels and
             seling and decided that, if I could choose a vo-  biographies that I think are especially well writ-
             cation, it would be this type of work.            ten. Dave Eggers is a personal favorite. He tells
             After  seminary  I  pursued  doctoral  study  in   a good story with interesting characters and he
             counseling psychology, took a side trip to Ca-    tells it with language that is engaging. What Is
             lifornia where I met my wife, did two intern-     the  What  is  beautifully  conceived  and  heart-
             ships in neuropsychology, wrote a dissertation    breaking.
             in  electrophysiology  on  evoked  potentials  in   Real, live people are, of course, more influential
             monkeys, and went straight to CCEF where I        than books. After my wife and family I think of
             have counseled, taught and written about bib-     my CCEF colleagues, the many people I have
             lical counseling in a collegial environment with   had the privilege to counsel, and a few faithful
             like-minded faculty.                              pastors.

             What have been the most influential books or who   How would you describe your strengths and wea-
             have been the most influential people in your life?     knesses?  My strength is that I want to grow as a
             Since I was raised in a Christian home, I always   counselor, as a teacher, as a writer, and as a per-
             knew the stories of Scripture. I knew them and,   son of faith, hope and love. In my professional
             for the most part, believed them to be true. This   life I am incessantly self-critical and do not like
             belief, however, fell short of faith and allegiance   to do something the same way twice. Occasio-
             to Jesus Christ until I started reading the Bible   nally I can be creative.
             in my final year of college. At that time, the Spi-  My  weaknesses  are  endless.  I  am  becoming
             rit made Scripture come alive. I responded with   more eccentric and neurotic the older I get. My
             confession and faith. So the Bible has been most   faith can be small. I fear that I am, at times, lu-
             influential in my life.                           kewarm in my love for Jesus and others. And,
             Competent  to  Counsel  by  Jay  Adams  might     while I prize newness and growth in my profes-
             seem polemical to some, or should I say that      sional life, in my personal life I am quite happy
             Jay  Adams  was,  indeed,  polemical,  but  this   to revisit the same old restaurants and favorite
             book marked the return of wise pastoral care      haunts, whereas my wife enjoys new adventu-
             and counsel, Puritan-style. When I first read it   res. In short, I suspect I am boring.
             in seminary I was stunned that Scripture could
             speak to many struggles of everyday life.         How does your present work setting affect your
             I have also been shaped by Geerhardus Vos’ Bi-    overall  emphases?  One  reason  Freud  tried  to
             blical Theology. Vos helped me to understand      destroy his correspondence was to protect his
             the coherent, Christ-centered story of Scriptu-   claim that his work delved into universal huma-
             re,  and  that  approach  to  Scripture,  known  as   nity rather than reflect the natural expression of
             biblical theology, has shaped every counseling    a pre-World War II Viennese Jew. Since we have
             hour of my professional life.                     Scripture, we have access to universal humani-
             Among secular books, A. R. Luria, the Soviet      ty, and I like to think that I speak to everyone,
             neuropsychologist, ignited my early interest in   too. But I realize that what I do carries my own
             neuropsychology. Higher Cortical Function in      personal and cultural past. Part of my own set-
             Man and The Working Brain were brilliant and      ting is that I grew up in the 1960’s, I work in the
             ahead of their time. And his two extended case    United States as a counselor where clients know
             studies—The  Mind  of  a  Mnemonist  and  The     I am a Christian, and I work as a teacher at a
             Man with a Shattered World—are fascinating.       conservative seminary. Though I try to write for
             He was the first writer to expand my understan-   a broader audience, I know that my background

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