Page 125 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 125

The Society for Christian Psychology

             My Hope for the Society for Christian Psychology
             Jason Kanz

             In 2009, I wrote a short essay that I entitled “Crisis of Faith in Psy-
             chology”. At the time, I was wrestling to figure out what it meant for
             me to be a Christian and a psychologist. I sought guidance from for-
             mer mentors, but I was left wanting. I concluded the essay with these
             words, “[I find myself] in a place of uncertainty regarding the inter-
             section between my faith and my career. I pray for truth. I pray that
             regardless of the counsel I receive from others, God reveals Himself.
             I pray for His patience with me and patience with myself. I pray that
             God provides wisdom to my unsettled soul. I pray that God helps me
             to ask the right questions even if, for the rest of my life, I never come
             to know the answers to them.”                                             Jason Kanz is a board

                                                                                       certified   neuropsy-
             The following spring, I attended a conference where I met Dr Eric         chologist  in  clinical
             Johnson who introduced me to the Society for Christian Psychology.        practice  in  northern
             Since that time, I have immersed myself more and more deeply in           Wisconsin.  He  also
             the Society, and I am blessed to have met several people through this     edits  the  newsletter,
             organization. For the first time, it seemed to me that I had found a      Soul  &  Spirit,  for  the
             home that fits me well.                                                   Society  for  Christian
                                                                                       Psychology. In his free
             Looking forward, what do I expect or hope for the Society? I have se-     time,  he  enjoys  spen-
             veral personal hopes. As I continue to develop as a professional neu-     ding time with his wife
             ropsychologist, one of my hopes is that the Society will continue to      and  children,  baking
             serve as a catalyst for my professional development. It is my impres-     bread,  and  reading
             sion that Christians are not well represented in the neurosciences.       theology.
             The Society enables me to look at my professional work through the
             spectacles of orthodox Christian belief and to examine how it fits
             within a biblical worldview.

             A second personal hope is that I want to continue to develop in my
             personal ministry. The Society has equipped me to love people bet-
             ter than I have before. I have met dear friends who have challenged
             some of my assumptions and helped me to critically think through
             what I believe about God and others. As I provide counsel to others,
             whether professionally or personally, I will make use of things I have
             learned through this Society.

             A final personal hope is that my relationships will continue to de-
             epen. As I mentioned above, I have been blessed to know Eric John-
             son and I have been ministered to by him. His passion and compas-
             sion are so evident. I have also met several other wonderful people
             through editing the newsletter, attending conferences, and through
             connection with the Society. I hope that these relationships grow, but
             that I also meet new friends.

             Looking more broadly, I also have hopes for the Society in gene-
             ral. I expect that in the next ten years and beyond, we will continue
             establish ourselves as unique from existing models of helping, even

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