Page 122 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 122
The Society for Christian Psychology
What I Hope from the Society for Christian Psychology
Siang-Yang Tan
„I am thankful for the Society for Christian Psychology and for the
leadership of Dr. Eric Johnson who has made many substantial con-
tributions to Christian Psychology and what he calls „maximal inte-
gration of Christian Faith and Psychology“. I agree with his emphasis
on the need to ground integration more in Scripture as well as in
Historical Theology and Biblical and Systematic Theology.
I expect the Society for Christian Psychology to achieve its goal more
fully in the years ahead of developing a scientifically sophisticated
Christian Psychology that, while informed by the work of other
scholarly communities, is more the product of distinctly Christian Rev. Siang-Yang Tan,
theory-building and research programs that flow out of a Christian, Ph.D., Professor of
Biblical worldview. Psychology, Fuller
Theological Semina-
Some of the topics or areas of exploration that I expect Christian ry Pasadena, Califor-
Psychology will focus on in the coming years include: The Image nia, and Senior Pa-
of God as the most fundamental psychological construct, Human stor, First Evangelical
Relationships with God, Using a Christian Worldview to reinterpret Church Glendale,
major subfields of psychological study such as motivation, moral de- Glendale, California.
velopment, positive psychology, and social psychology, Sin and its ef- Author, „Counseling
fect on human motivation and psychopathology, Christian salvation and Psychotherapy: A
and its role in soul-healing, Becoming more like Jesus as the goal of Christian Perspecti-
human maturity, Christian spiritual development, The Holy Spirit‘s ve“ Baker Academic,
role in the Christian life and in counseling, Christian virtues that are 2011)
unique such as agape love, faith, hope, joy, peace, and humility, Di-
stinctive Christian approaches to counseling and psychotherapy, and
Critiques of secular psychological theories, research, and practice.
These are some of the distinctives of Christian Psychology that have
been stated by the Society for Christian Psychology and I look for-
ward with prayerful expectation as well as participation to help in
the realization of such Christian goals. The journal „Edification“ pu-
blished by the Society will continue to play a significant role in ad-
vancing scholarly work and dialog on Christian Psychology, as will
the other activities and meetings of the Society. Congratulations on
its 10th birthday, and may the Lord bless it with many more years
of developing a Christian Psychology that will be Christ-centered,
Bible-based or grounded, and Spirit filled for His Glory and the bles-
sing and healing of many lives!“