Page 6 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 21
P. 6

and failures – these all form part of anyone’s          During 1991, he painted in watercolours on the
        life. The solu�ons come not from resolving the          island of Patmos with Emil Wachter. White
        tensions, but from integra�ng them. Crea�ng             paper became a source of light and a constant
        room     for   longing    and     entering    into      challenge.
        intermediate spaces – the spaces between                Several encounters and conversa�ons with
        heaven and earth, between the spiritual and             Jehuda Bacon in Jerusalem confirmed him in
        the animal, between the “I” and the “you”.              his ar�s�c path. Since 2006, a personal
        Looking back, I understand my life as a path            language of colour and form has emerged. He
        which has not yet reached its des�na�on. My             has been developing a free use of such
        pain�ng is like a search, driven on by a longing        different techniques as watercolours, Indian
        – from the “No Longer to the Not Yet”.                  ink, graphite and acrylic. He describes the
                                                                pain�ng process as a conversa�on between
                                                                inspira�on, substrate, paint, implement and
        Jens Wolf was born in 1949 at the foot of the           ar�st. His themes moving the force field
        Swabian Jura.                                           between heaven and earth, humour and
        In 1962, an encounter with a portrait by Emil           earnest, reality and the surreal, animal, man
        Nolde made such an impression on him that his           and God.
        pain�ng ac�vi�es date back to this moment –             Jens Wolf is a member of the Jesus Community
        with charcoal, crayons, water colours and               in Volkenroda Monastery in Thüringen. Since
        Indian ink.                                             2017, he has been living and working in
        Three fundamental decisions made in 1972                Ahnatal-Weimar by Kassel.
        shaped the rest of his life: a faith rela�onship
        with God, the marriage with his wife Chris�ane,
        and life in a Chris�an community. These years                                     Rights for the images:
        saw the crea�on of caricatures and water                                                       Jens Wolf
        colours on the themes of man and landscape.                         

   Solo exhibi�on “Reflec�on” at “The Balcony Gallery of “Jerusalem Theater” (2011)
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