Page 2 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 21
P. 2


          3       Editorial

          4       The first twenty numbers
          5       About the ar�st: Jens Wolf (Germany)
          8       Around The World: The Contributors

          Ar�cles to Main Topic „Love in different dimensions“

          11      The Start of our topic “Love in different dimensions”: Eric Johnson (US):
                   Experiencing the Love of the Trinity and Other Humans is Therapeu�c
          15      Andrey Lorgus (Bulgaria/Russia): Crea�vity and Internal Resources

          25      Comment: Rosemary Steer (Australia)
          27      Patrycja Ewa Longawa (Poland): Finding the Balance Between Self-Sacrifice and Self-Care
                   in Rela�onships to Maintain Healthy Love Dynamics / Znalezienie równowagi między

                   samopoświęceniem a dbaniem o siebie w relacjach, czyli jak utrzymać zdrową dynamikę miłości.
          47      Comment: Lorena Diez Canseco (Peru)

          50      Werner May (Germany): Lessons: Learning “Togetherness in Love” /
                   Lek�onen: „Zusammengehörigkeit in Liebe“ lernen
          59      Alan G. Palmer (UK): The journey con�nues with “Togetherness in Love”

          65      Krzysztof Wojcieszek (Poland): Can love destroy a human person? /
                   Czy miłość może niszczyć człowieka?

          72      Comment: Gilberto Safra (Brazil)
          75      Antonio López (USA): Chris�an Love is Both Agape and Eros

          More Prac�cal Orientated

          84      Khrystyna Filits (Ukraine/ Ukrayina): Bibliotherapy as love therapy in the complex treatment of

                   anxiety-depressive disorders / Бібліотерапія як терапія любов’ю в комплексному лікуванні
                   тривожно-депресивних розладів
          91      Comment by Esly Carvalho (Brazil)

          93      Werner May (Germany / Deutschland): The Agape Ques�onnaire for Self-reflec�on /
                   Der Agape-Fragebogen für die Selbstreflexion
          105     Comment by Leena Junnila (Finland)

          108     Jonathan P. Badge� (USA): Enduring All Things: Reflec�ons on the Benefits of Long-Term
                   Chris�an Psychotherapy
          113     The Finale of our topic “Love in different dimensions”: Love is a lifelong learning process

          115     "Why would you describe yourself as a Chris�an psychologist?"
                   Ques�ons to Agnieszka Wojsz (Poland)

          120     Next Number / About us
          121     Seven Statements of EMCAPP
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