Page 5 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 20
P. 5

About           the       Artist

        Ar�st Statement

        The Wildflower Season in Western Australia:
        A Photographers Dream
        I was born in the �ny town of Mt Barker in
        Western Australia, under the shadow of the
        enigma�c S�rling Range, or as it is called by the
        original inhabitants, Koikyennuruff. As a small
        child my father would carry me up the tall                            Genevieve Milnes
        slopes and then as I grew I began to climb the
        different mountains and hills with my teenage                               (Australia)
        friends and then later with my husband and
        children.                                               So I started to document the burn. That was
        The Range is famous for its colorful wildflowers        the year that Covid struck. We were severely
        and ground orchids, also for its bush walks and         restricted in what we could do but the S�rling
        climbs. My passion is photography.                      Range was on our ‘back door’ so we went out
        Firstly, rather naive a�empts to capture nes�ng         most days to watch the rehabilita�on of the
        birds from within a bird-hide in the school             burn.
        grounds, to capturing portraits and animals on          Standing watching the beau�ful tendrils start
        my Brownie Box camera than a Kodak                      to push through the cinders was my happy
        Instama�c.                                              place. There was devasta�on but there was
        My interest grew and I took classes in dark-            also life. I mourned the loss but then I saw
        room techniques, studied under a portrait               animals moving across burnt ground and knew
        photographer with available light photography           that all was not lost.
        and other courses in understanding the                  I pause in those beau�ful, terrible places and
        camera. So my interest in photography grew              honour the cycle of life and the beauty of our
        along with my profession as a Clinical Psy-             created planet.
        chologist. I took weddings and birthdays,               Dr Genevieve Milnes BDiv., M Appl Psych (Clin
        celebra�ons and par�es.                                 & Ed), PhD Clinical Psychologist
        At the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020,               Genevieve Dr Genevieve Milnes BDiv., M Appl
        Australia was struck by bushfires, all along the        Psych (Clin & Ed), PhD Clinical Psychologist
        east coast and in the West in my beloved S�r-           AHPRA PSY0001578221
        ling Range Na�onal Park. Fourteen kilometers            Phone: 08 92279796 Mobile: 0410303358
        from my home                                            Email:
        was alight. There were thousands of fauna and
        flora going up in flames every minute! Our              Email:
        beau�ful kangaroos, wallabies, snakes and     
        lizards were being slaughtered and we could no
        nothing. The whole area is 447 sq miles and the
        fires took out one third of the park. We were           and see here on Instagram
        devastated and knew it would be a long road             h�ps://

   Solo exhibi�on “Reflec�on” at “The Balcony Gallery of “Jerusalem Theater” (2011)
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