Page 102 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 15
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is anxious. Second, we can more readily avoid     and  God  attachments  may  become  disrup-
             misleading distinctions. For Maria and Pavel to   ted.  Hurt,  disappointment,  anger,  bitterness,
             be different in ways that matter, psychologists   despair  and  other  emotions  and  actions  may
             generally think in terms of differences of two or   ensue, even psychopathology (e.g., Crittenden,
             more standard deviations between them. When       2016; DeKlyen & Greenberg, 2008; Fonagy, et
             grouped into categories there is a tendency to    al.,  1996;  Spieker  &  Crittenden,  2018),  along
             think  of  persons  near  the  middle  as  different   with religious/spiritual struggles. The Adverse
             since they are assigned to different categories.   Childhood  Experiences  literature  makes  the-
             But in a normal distribution about two thirds of   se human effects abundantly clear (e.g., Anda
             any sample fall within one standard deviation     & Felitti, 2006). Perhaps this accounts for the
             above or below the mean and thus they do not      warning to not cause a little one to stumble (Mt.
             differ to any important degree. If their scores lie   18:6); God has placed His mark on humans (the
             on opposite sides but in this middle range, both   imago dei, Gen 1:26-27) and He takes personal-
             Maria and Pavel may be uneasy if she is told she   ly the way we treat each other (Mt 25:31-40). At
             is secure and he is told he is anxious. More like-  such times, both religious/spiritual healing and
             ly they are both more anxious sometimes and       psychotherapy may help.
             more secure at other times.
                                                               In summary, attachment is related to love, which
             At  least  in  part  attachment  is  a  physical  and   is central to Christian beliefs. Attachment is a
             embodied process. Physical touch, eye contact,    rich  and  complex  relational  process  that  en-
             vocal-auditory engagement, even endocrinolo-      compasses elements of both divine and human
             gical processes (e.g., oxytocin is the hormone of   love. Ruptured attachment is associated with a
             social bonding) are parts of attachment. When     wide range of human suffering and distress and
             exposed to abuse, neglect, and human trauma,      the repair of ruptures is the cornerstone of he-
             each of these processes can also lead to detach-  aling for both human and divine relationships.
             ment or alienation.

             The  language  of  attachment  does  not  appear   References
             in the Bible. Perhaps it is a newer concept, or   Ainsworth, M. D., & Bell, S. M. (1970). Attachment, ex-
             maybe it’s one more suited to scientific study.   ploration, and separation: Illustrated by the behavior of
                                                               one-year-olds in a strange situation. Child Development,
             However, love is a related concept that is central   41(1), 49-67. doi:10.2307/1127388
             in the biblical story. Love comes from God (1     Anda, R. F., Felitti, V. J., Walker, J., Whitfield, C. L., Brem-
             Jn 4:7-8). God calls us to love Him and to love   ner, J. D., Perry, B. D., Dube, S. R., Giles, W. H. (2006).
             those around us (Mt 22:35-40; Jn 13:34).          The enduring effects of abuse and related adverse expe-
                                                               riences  in  childhood:  a  convergence  of  evidence  from
                                                               neurobiology  and  epidemiology.  European  Archives  of
             Attachment  to  God  can  also  become  ruptu-    Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences; 56 (3),174–186.
             red. Among psychologists these have come to       Crittenden, P.M. (2015a). Peering into the black box: An
             be  called  religious/spiritual  struggles  (Exline,   exploratory treatise on the development of self in young
             2013; Exline, Pargament, Grubbs, & Yali, 2014;    children. In Danger, Development and Adaptation: Se-
             Stauner, Exline, & Wilt, 2020; Wilts et al., 2019).  minal Papers on the Dynamic Maturational Model of At-
                                                               tachment and Adaptation. (1st ed., pp. 209-295). United
             In what is perhaps the deepest human form of      Kingdom: Waterside Press.
             attachment, that of the marital relationship, at-  Crittenden,  P.M.  (2015b).  Truth,  error,  omission,  dis-
             tachment is ordained by God. Here attachment      tortion,  and  deception:  The  application  of  attachment
             may become so deep that the marital pair beco-    theory to the assessment and treatment of psychological
             mes “one flesh” (Gen 2:22-25). The biblical lan-  disorder. In Danger, Development and Adaptation: Semi-
                                                               nal Papers on the Dynamic Maturational Model of At-
             guage of sin can be seen as largely the opposite   tachment and Adaptation. (1st ed., pp. 406-457). United
             of attachment; sin is a profound rupture of divi-  Kingdom: Waterside Press.
             ne and human attachment.                          DeKlyen,  M.,  Greenberg,  M.  (2008).  Attachment  and
             When  bad  things  happen  to  us  as  a  result  of   psychopathology in childhood. In Handbook of Attach-
             the  actions  or  failures  of  others,  both  human   ment,  Second  Edition  Theory,  Research,  and  Clinical

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