Page 108 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 12
P. 108

Lowell W. Hoffman &
             Marie T. Hoffman (USA)

             How Our Christian Faith

             Helps Us

             Our Christian faith--as exemplified in the life
             of  Christ--is  the  comprehensive  template  for
             our psychotherapy practice. It guides, inspires,
             and encourages us in all aspects of our work.
             The Parable of the Good Samaritan was given
             by Jesus in response to the question: „Who is     Marie  T.  Hoffman,  Ph.D.  is  Assistant  Clini-
             my neighbor?“ (Luke 10). As Christian psycho-     cal Professor of Psychology (Adjunct) at NYU
             logists, we accept our patient as a neighbor to   Postdoctoral  Program  in  Psychotherapy  and
             love. How do we love our neighbor? We imita-      Psychoanalysis,  Co-Director  of  Society  for
             te Jesus in our therapeutic relationship (Matt.   Exploration  of  Psychoanalytic  Therapies  and
             11:29 – “Take my yoke upon you and learn from     Theology, Director of Brookhaven Institute for
             me, for I am gentle and humble in heart ....”).   Psychoanalysis and Christian Theology.
             We begin a journey with our patients that was     Lowell  W.  Hoffman,  a  psychoana-
             first traveled by Jesus - incarnation, crucifixion,   lyst,  clinical  psychologist,  and  Co-Director  of
             resurrection (Hoffman, M.T., 2010). We empa-      Brookhaven Center in Allentown.
             thically sit with them (incarnation), suffer with
             them (crucifixion), and survive destructiveness   Former article:
             with them in order to find renewed life for them
             (resurrection). As we incarnate, we commit to
             deeply knowing and loving our patients, avoi-
             ding assumptions or the temptation to fit them
             into what is often an insufficient category such
             as co-dependence, addiction or idolatry, etc. We
             enter their world.

             We  expect  that  there  will  be  crucifixion.  We
             commit to the months or even years that will
             be  required  to  bring  healing  (Hoffman,  L.W.,
             2010), surrendering ourselves to each patient’s
             transferences and reproaches and thus following   St. Paul’s words: „Love bears all things, believes
             the way of Jesus: „God made him ... to be sin     all things, hopes all things, endures all things....
             for us“ (2 Cor. 5:21) [See Hoffman, M.T., 2011].   [God‘s] love never fails“ 1 Cor. 13:7. It is the life
             Hopeful  of  resurrection,  we  have  eyes  to  see   and love of Christ that animates our work.
             the image of God in our patients, and imagine
             who they can become. God‘s love in us and our     References
             love for our patients is the „active ingredient“   Fairbairn, W.R.D (1958). On the nature and aims of psy-
             in our treatment, aiding them to move beyond      choanalytic treatment. Int. Jour. of Psycho. (39) 5.
                                                               Hoffman, L.W. (2010). Suffering, glory, and outcomes in
             repetition of the past to future potentials (Fair-  psychotherapy.  Journal  of  Psychology  and  Christianity,
             bairn, 1958). Resurrection brings clear sight for   29, 130-140.
             patients as well. They no longer see the ghosts   Hoffman, M.T. (2010). Incarnation, crucifixion, and re-
             of the past in present relationships, but emer-   surrection in psychoanalytic thought. Journal of Psycho-
             ge into contact with reality, truth, and newness   logy and Christianity, 29, 121-129.
                                                               Hoffman, M.T. (2011). Toward mutual recognition: Rela-
             of life. From this position of freedom, realizing   tional psychoanalysis and the Christian Narrative. Lon-
             potentials is possible. Ultimately, we hold fast to   don: Routledge.
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