Page 107 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 12
P. 107
Maria Joubert (Russia) Maria
„How does your Christian Joubert
MA in Pasto-
faith help you in your ral Theolo-
practical work as a gy, psycho-
logist in The
psychologist, counselor or «ABIGAIL»
therapist?“ Counselling
Centre, Kras-
noyarsk, Rus-
This reflection was inspired by my interest in sia
the problem of good and evil in the practice of a
counsellor, as well as by the works of Orthodox
Christian theologians, such as Vladimir Lossky,
and by two articles by Elena Strigo: «The Moral
Word in Reconstruction of Person in Christian
Psychotherapy», published in eJournal «Christi-
an Psychology around the World» (No.9, 2016)
and the unpublished work “Face and Image”.
In the modern world, there is no obvious bor- about reality. Moreover, psychological trauma,
der between good and evil and any deed or mo- neurosis and psychosis, problems in the family
tivation can be interpreted both as good and as and difficulties in childhood are not an excuse
evil depending on different personal perspec- and cannot change this Law. Good and evil are
tives. Moreover, the words ‘good’ or ‘evil’ have not someone‘s personal business and they are
become almost taboo and to judge something not changing according to someone’s perspecti-
as simply good or bad is often considered as ve but they are the business and the judgment of
«intolerant». We find ourselves now living in God, where truth and good triumph, and evil is
world where everything becomes possible and punished. This is not about a devil roasting sin-
in which it easy to lose timeless and healthy va- ners on a giant frying pan and even not about
lues. This is a serious problem as for a client as just human death. We should not underestima-
well as for a counsellor. And then the memory te hell; it is important to think of hell seriously
of hell comes to the rescue. as a reality. The problem of hell is not that there
is no God, as I already said, God is there, but
According to Orthodox theology, hell is not a that a person finds him or herself in eternity in
place where there is no God, but a place where ultimate emptiness and non-existence, deta-
God is present. It is in hell that the soul under- ched from God and from his or her own real
stands completely and with all clarity that there human nature with no chance to change it and
is no agreement between good and evil. Only in that causes unbearable suffering.
the face of Divine Light a person comprehends
the relationship of light and darkness in his or A person choses between good and evil in eve-
her soul and things become called by their na- ry single moment of life, there is no ‘neutral’
mes, good is called good and evil is called evil, choices, and these choices determine the per-
because there is only «Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for son as a person and his or her life, even if on
whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.”” a psychological level we deal with neurosis or
(Matthew, 5:37). psychological trauma. That is why for me as a
Christian psychologist the memory of hell and
Life unfolds according to the Divine Law and seeking and holding on to the truth are values
not according to laws of anyone’s fantasies that helps me in my work as a counsellor.