Page 88 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 11
P. 88
The EMCAPP Book Project:
Psychology and Psychotherapy in the Perspective
of Christian Anthropology
“The view of human nature generally forms part Editor:
of the assumptions that undergird psychologi- Nicolene Joubert (South Africa)
cal theories and psychotherapeutic approaches. English editing:
In this book, Christian anthropology is articu- Dorothy du Plessis (South Africa)
lated as a foundation for the theories, approa- Coordinator of the project:
ches and techniques applied in practice by the Anna Ostaszewska (Poland)
authors. Various contributions from European-
based practitioners in the fields of psychology, This is a project of publishing the book which
psychotherapy and counseling are included. will consists of articles written by members of
These authors draw scientific knowledge from the European Movement for Christian Anthro-
the fields of psychology and psychotherapy fo- pology, Psychology and Psychotherapy (EM-
cusing on intra-psychic aspects of human func- CAPP The authors are from
tioning, such as emotions, drives and cogniti- different countries of Europe. They have a lot
ons as well as interpersonal and eco-systemic of experience in their countries and they parti-
functioning. In addition to this, the authors cipate every year the EMCAPP Symposia. They
consider spirituality as an intrinsic part of hu- all agreed to contribute this project.
manity, through which persons seek meaning The aim of the book is to present European
and transcendence, that influences physical and ideas in the field of Christian anthropology,
mental health. Spiritual insight is gained from psychology and psychotherapy.
the field of theology with specific reference to
the Christian faith tradition.
A wide range of topics, contexts, cultural, and
ecumenical backgrounds are covered. Practi-
tioners in mental health care and counseling
would benefit from the knowledge, ideas and
practical experience shared by the authors.”
(Nicolene Joubert)