Page 44 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 9
P. 44

Thesis 5:                                         It is not a target of human perfection. It is much
             Spiritual  Maturity  is  normally  developing     more  the  inner  movement  of  a  “spirituality
             through  a  forerunning  multiperspective  pro-   from below” (A.Grün) which means a state of
             cess of deliberation (education / socialisation /   brokenness (“contrite and lowly”) in the spirit
             enculturation / individuation) which hopefully    (Is.57,15) before the throne of God in the depth
             succeeds to establish personal stability, respon-  of human condition (existence).
             sibility and freedom. Spiritual Maturity is a state   Spiritual Maturity is not a religious level of per-
             within a general concept of spiritual develop-    fection or individualistic holiness (in the tradi-
             ment of Individuals.                              tion of pietism). It is just an adaequate position
             Human  +Holy  Spirit  from  within  and  above.   of the human spirit in God’s presence. It is true
             After  this  period  of  developing  deliberation   humanism in God’s eye
             (in which psychotherapeutic assistance can be
             useful) a state of personal freedom (personali-
             ty) is established which allows a certain degree   Consequences for Christian Psychotherapy
             of  self-distance,  self-transcendence  and  self-
             responsibility. In this state of personal freedom   Christian  Psychotherapy  is  a  form  of  regular
             the call of the Lord (the King) can only be per-  intervention  on  behalf  of  growth  of  personal
             sonally  responded  by  a  sovereign  decision  to   autonomy, stability, identity and (relative) free-
             follow Him and with the yielding to Him Spi-      dom  (deliberation)  based  on  a  Christian  an-
             ritual                                            thropology, epistemology, theory of illness and
             Maturity starts and keeps growing.                health, methodology and praxeology. It is not a
             Spiritual Maturity is a quality of its own (not to   specific tool to build up Spiritual Maturity (in
             be mixed up with any religious act). In the Igna-  the intrinsic meaning of the term). All the same
             tian  tradition  it contains  the unforced  decision   it can be a forerunning support to a develop-
             (choose) for poverty and the acceptance of ble-   ment and eventual decision of faith (if a call of
             mish on the way to true humility, the humility    the Lord reaches mans spirit in a state of perso-
             of the crucified Lord. This process is absolutely   nal autonomy and freedom).
             facultative for anyone in every degree.           Christian Psychotherapy is an interventional
                                                               process that tries to overcome any hindrance to
             Thesis 6:                                         possible maturity by means of a containing and
             Spiritual Maturity cannot be defined by means     encouraging professional relationship between
             of visible virtues or even performances. It is an   client and therapist.
             invisible  underlying  structure  of  the  personal
             self which is mainly an integrative expression    Christian  Psychotherapy  has  to  be  discerned
             of “Christ within me” (Gal.2,20). So there is no   from  all  theology  based  teaching,  preaching
             way of objectivity or measurability to that sub-  and counselling for it refers mainly to scientific
             ject. Whatever attributes are connected to Spi-   (positive) theories (about man: individuals or
             ritual Maturity in scripture or in tradition (ex-  groups) on their way to approval or rejection.
             perience) they                                    Whatever means Christian Psychotherapy uses
             never  provide  enough  assurance  to  conclude   to reach its goals (stability, personal and social
             from a specific attribute to a Spiritual Maturi-  acceptance, self-responsibility) they have to be
             ty. Spiritual Maturity reveals itself in terms of   part of a well-balanced set of positive elements
             god’s presence in human acting, speaking etc.     of theory on the human developmental process,
             But this kind of revelation also happens within   human  resiliencies  and  the  possible  risks  of
             spiritual immaturity.                             undergoing lacks and disorders in the process
                                                               of  individually  and  socially  unfolding  human
             Thesis 7:                                         personality.
             Spiritual Maturity is in no way a form of ascen-  The underlying general theory of development
             sion from a lower level of spiritual awareness to   must be enhanced by a general theory of spiri-
             a higher one.                                     tual development (which corresponds in a way

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