Page 117 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 7
P. 117

Challenges for Christian Psychology

             vitality to the understanding of prayer, let alone   6. If you wanted to become more aware or expe-
             ‘contemplative’ prayer?                           rienced with contemplative prayer, what would
             Misgivings voiced were to be expected: the first   assist or encourage this?
             being  the  influence  of  Buddhist  practices  of
             meditation or the potential of co-mingling with   Both  communal  interactions  and  personal
             them, felt to be detrimental to Christian spiri-  reflections  informed  awareness  and  experi-
             tuality  or  Christian  meditative  practices.  This   ences  with  contemplative  prayer.  One  stated
             appears to be one of the most mind-full resi-     that  his  awareness  and  ongoing  experience
             stances to contemplative prayer, and indicates    came  “through  conversations  with  fellow  tra-
             the need for clarity and distinctiveness of Chri-  velers who are experimenting with it.” Note the
             stian contemplatives practices, and understan-    connotation  of  ‘experimenting’  -  perceived  to
             ding of their origin, source and use in Scriptu-  be an openness and an endeavoring. In contrast
             re and through church history. Alluding to the    were those who suggested the need for “a self-
             Buddhist experience as a “human level of ex-      discipline and greater emphasis on my personal
             perience”, one respondent wondered about the      prayer  life.”  A  communal  and  a  personal.  An
             “spiritual  level”  of  experience  possible  within   open exploration and an engaged discipline.
             meditative  practices.  A  fine  topic  of  dialogue   Other responses ranged from “not sure” about
             would be one about the interactive and nondual    how to gain greater awareness and experience,
             realities of the human and the spiritual.         to a request for direction in “being guided to
             The second misgiving lay in the caution that as   pray through the Scriptures and to pray in dif-
             “contemplative prayer is opening yourself up to   ferent ways”, to personal desires to “have more
             God ... in a sense you are opening yourself up to   conscious  ‘thought-clearing’  and  open  silence
             the spiritual world.” Thus, “we need to know our   to  preface  my  talking  with  God”,  and  “to  de-
             Bible so that any time we ‘hear’ something from   clutter my mind so I can tap into more specific,
             God, we are able to test it against the character   intentional  prayer  communication  with  God,
             of God revealed to us in Scripture.” Points well   Jesus and the Holy Spirit.” One, who was more
             made. However, they are germane to all experi-    experienced and perhaps thus more frustrated
             ences and revelations from God, not only con-     with  his  experience  of  contemplative  prayer
             templative prayer. Clearly, as with many spiritual   in  evangelical  circles,  gave  very  specific  sug-
             practices (prophecy, tongues, teaching, fasting,   gestions including: “more of Henri Nouwen ...
             etc.) there is the need for sound exposition, and   less of ‘how to’ do books and writers ... more
             even  then  peoples’  perceptions  and  practices   time standing outside on the darkest night of
             will  differ.  Christian  contemplative  practices   the year and looking up at the leading edge of a
             presuppose a knowledge and reverence for the      billion galaxies and thinking ‘I shouldn’t argue
             Word of God and the revealing of God within       with someone who can do that’ ... more mystery,
             it. Knowledge about contemplative practice as     less puzzle-solving by using scriptures to prove
             a pillar for the experiences within it, and trust   things that were never designed to be proven ...
             in  the  Holy  Spirit’s  leading  as  the  foundation   more incarnation ... less brokering in abstrac-
             for  it,  should  allay  some  of  the  cautions  that   tions.”  This  particular  participant  apologized
             deny the practice to many. Yet, is contemplative   for his “strident” response to this question. But,
             prayer and the personal and unique experience     a call to action and a fervor in it is apparent, and
             of it ‘testable’? Or, does one trust that God is   strengthens a resolve to nurture contemplative
             present to each in knowing and intimate ways,     practices.
             purposed to increase one’s sense and love of his
             very Presence. More indepth addressing of the-    7. What is your sense of the acceptance of or
             se thoughtful hesitations and counterpoints to    objections  to  contemplative  prayer  practices
             them are beyond the scope of this paper. And,     within the evangelical church?
             any  misgivings  need  to  be  addressed  in  a  re-
             spectful, open and realistic way.                 Objections raised - although not personal ob-
                                                               jections - were those expected to be raised: the

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