Page 22 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 5
P. 22

Empirical steps toward a Christian Psychology

             achieve  objectivity.  His  further  argument  was   be beyond the easy reach of communities nor-
             that each rationality also presented a potentially   med to different standards. And more broadly,
             useful and “interesting” perspective on reality,   scientific conclusions based on nature will lack
             but  not  an  absolutely  objective  truth.  Moder-  normative  credentials  to  falsify  Christian  un-
             nist  reason  and  science,  therefore,  turned  out   derstandings of God and vice versa. Nor will a
             to be yet one more “subjectivity” that, among     noncontroversial standard be available outside
             other things, proved especially effective in sup-  “natural” scientific and “supernatural” Christi-
             plying tools for the “interests” of modernist po-  an rationalities for adjudicating between them,
             wer. Beyond the arguments of Nietzsche and of     which  again  makes  them  “incommensurable.”
             postmodernism, the unavoidable conclusion is      In short, social life after modernism turns out
             that Christian “subjectivity” cannot be correc-   to be a Babel of rationalities.
             ted  by  an  unquestionably  superior  modernist   In  this  cultural  situation,  individuals  unavoi-
             “objectivity.”  Modernist  reason  undoubtedly    dably move through the often very different ra-
             supplies  useful  insights  into  Christian  and  all   tionalities that order their daily lives at work,
             other religious commitments, but those insights   home, school, union meeting, political gathe-
             are “subjective.” But then again, the rationality   ring,  church,  professional  organization,  and
             of Christianity (and also of other religions) can   movie theater, to mention only a few. Advan-
             also offer useful insights into modernism, and,   cement of Christian (and indeed all other ra-
             for that matter, into postmodernism as well.      tionalities) will, therefore, need to address the
                                                               Babel  of  rationalities  that  interpenetrates  the
             Babel of Rationalities                            lives of everyone (Watson, in press). Any efforts
             Postmodern critique may seem to dissolve so-      of a rationality to express, expand, and deepen
             ciety  into  a  swirl  of  irrational  relativism,  but   the meaning of its standard within and across
             compelling  evidence  of  rationality  is  every-  communities will occur within a dynamic and
             where obvious in the world today. A Christian     competitive  cultural  context.  Successful  com-
             movement  beyond  postmodernism  can  agree       petition will require an ever-increasing ability
             with and indeed benefit from the assertion that   to offer insights that speak to the problems and
             no single rationality can supply an “objective”   possibilities associated with the “interests” that
             foundation for social life; yet, the orderliness of   exist within and across communities. Christian
             daily life reveals the viability of a vast array of   rationality, like all other rationalities, will want
             incommensurable rationalities.                    to remain faithful to its standard as a preemi-
             Rationalities  are  incommensurable  when  they   nent  task.  Advancing  the  faithful  meaning  of
             are calibrated to different standards (MacInty-   that standard will, nevertheless, depend upon
             re,  1988).  In  Christianity  and  other  religions,   both what is expressed and what is heard. Faith-
             the standard is some tradition-specific vision of   ful expression, for example, could result in un-
             God. Observations and actions consistent with     faithful hearing in the consciousness of those
             that  vision  are  deemed  to  be  rational  by  reli-  who dwell in a Babel. And the opposite process
             gious followers. In modernist science, the stan-  could occur as well. Unfaithful expression could
             dard is some contemporary reading of nature.      be followed by faithful hearing in those with a
             Conclusions and practices in conformity with      skill in translating the assertions and practices
             that perspective on nature will be rational for   of other communities into their home rationali-
             those communities that have foundations in the    ty. Meaning, in other words, will be as much or
             Enlightenment.  Aspects  of  social  life  derived   more about communication between as about
             from these two standards can be incompatible,     reason within persons.
             but they can also be compatible with or irrele-
             vant to each other. Broad compatibilities across   Model of Rationality and Empirical Research
             incommensurable  rationalities  will  encourage   In  short,  movement  beyond  any  postmodern
             social  harmony,  but  trans-rational  irrelevan-  tendency toward relativism may require a model
             cies and especially incompatibilities can lead to   of how Christian rationality can develop within
             discord. Fully rational solutions to discord will   the Church and expand across the communities

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