Page 169 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 4
P. 169

Dear editor,                                       ars and have observed the following: liberal thinkers can
            A journal that gives itself the task of bringing together a  sound excitingly inspiring, but they don’t increase the
            diversity of Christian thinkers in one meeting place, not  number of disciples for God’s Kingdom. Their theology
            arguing against each other, but sharing ideas in harmony,  is dead and their psychology does not contribute to what
            gives itself an impossible task. Creating common ground  the Spirit of God wants to accomplish in one’s life.
            for scientists and practitioners from different countries
            all over the world and from different churches, holding  After leaving their students or their counselees, their
            different views on the integration of psychology and  influence stays on the level of contribution to a ‘better’
            theology, looks like an impossible undertaking to me. Yet,  humanity: better relationships, good feelings, less stress,
            you have done it!                                  more psychological maturity, etc...

            Bringing together a diversity of ideas in a unifying ende-  All of this reminds me of Romans 1, where Paul explains
            avor, can be a sign of great maturity. It can also be a sign  that theman withoutGod replacesthe imageof Godwith
            of our postmodern culture that lost its eagerness to know  the image of man. Man is at the heart of their endeavor.
            the truth. Shall I give you a standing ovation? Or shall I  Their results may be humanly worthwhile, but the big
            urge you to be cautious and vigilant?              question is: what will remain when Jesus returns? What
                                                               will have eternal value? The answer is: everything born
            Isn’t it so, that true unity only comes into existence on  of the Spirit of God will last forever. Everything else will
            the foundation of Biblical truth, discerned through pray-  pass away.
            erful watchfulness? When unity is not based on Biblical
            truth, it leads to a fragmented community, thinking it is  I amexcited aboutthe editorialof WernerMay inthe pre-
            one in its diversity, but in fact it is divided. On the other  vious issue of the EMCAPP Journal, where he talks about
            hand, when unity is based on strong (even Biblical) ideas,  his passion of being a psychologist, and reveals that he
            but lacks the life of the Spirit of Truth, it is just a rational  wants it to go hand in hand with Jesus Christ. There is a
            framework that provides the illusion of unity. It appears  key to his words, I interpret as follows: Christian psycho-
            as a unified body, but in fact it is dead. Unity needs Bib-  logists need methodically sound interventions, but they
            lical truth as its content. And unity needs the life given  must also relate intimately to the Lord of psychology.
            by the Spirit of God. Prayer is needed for both Spirit-led  I thank you and pray that what you started will continue
            discernment and knowledge driven by Bible truth. Com-  to breathe a climate of sound scientific thinking, permea-
            bined, they bring forth fruit for the Kingdom of God.  ted and protected by Spirit and Truth.
            I have been involved in academic teaching for many ye-  I give you a standing ovation!

                                 Jef De Vriese- a clinicalpsychologist. He isdirector at theCenter for Pas-
                                 toral Counseling inHeverlee, Belgium. Heis staff member forhealthcare
                                 philosophy at De Hoop Foundation in Dordrecht, The Netherlands.

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