Page 51 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 13
P. 51
third and fourth generations and God‘s desire tive on this topic. We are challenged to think
to show grace and a steadfast loving kindness more seriously about:
to thousands of generations of those who love
Him and keep His commandments. Is this new 1. the effects of our choices on our biology,
understanding of epigenetics the biological 2. the potential impact of our traumas and poor
premise behind this principle? Do we see an life choices on the wellbeing of future genera-
epigenetic reality in the stories of sin, weaknes- tions,
ses, and other tendencies handed down to us 3. to expand our thinking beyond a simplistic
through previous generations? This made me nature versus nurture debate,
contemplate the potential genetic influence that 4. the importance of the biblical narrative to en-
shows up in the tendencies we see in Abraham‘s gage in spiritual activities (forgiveness, reconci-
family, the deception of Jacob, David‘s many fai- liation, confession, etc.)
lures, as well as any other examples we see in the 5. the importance to encourage ourselves and
life stories in the bible. others not merely to survive adverse life events,
but to heal and recover fully from them, and
I sincerely appreciate Schlagmüller‘s perspec- 6. to see a recovery process as a biblical prescrip-
tion that we are encouraged and held accoun-
table to engage in for our sake and our children
and grandchildren‘s sake.