Page 3 - EMCAPP-Journal No. 10
P. 3


             2   Editorial
             2  3  Around The World: The Contributors
             4  5  The first nine numbers

             7   Roland Mahler (Switzerland): Conscience and faith in Christian counselling practice /
                 Gewissen und Glaube im christlich-seelsorgerlichen Handeln
             19  Comment: Romuald Jaworski (Poland)
             22  Eric L. Johnson (USA): The Christian Conscience: The Transformation of a Created Module
                 through Christ and the Spirit
             32  Comment: Michael Strating (Canada)
             34  Olga Krasnikowa (Russia): Psychological reasons for avoiding happiness / Психологические
                 причины избегания счастья.
             46  Comment: Shannon Wolf (USA)
             49  Paula Tipton (USA): Honoring & Nurturing Conscience in Psychotherapy
             57  Comment: Gwen White (USA)
             60  Fr. Gregory Jensen (USA): An Image of Repentance: Sacramental Confession and the
                 Formation of Conscience in the Pastoral Practice of the Orthodox Church
             67  Comment: Liudmуla Hrydkovets (Ukraine)
             69  Slava Khalanskiy (Ukraine): Conscience as the major factor in client‘s inherent worth
                 formation in Christian approach to psychotherapy / Совість як провідний чинник у
                 формуванні самоцінності клієнта в християнському підході до психотерапії.
             87  Comment: Peter Milnes (Australia)
             90  Marina Molodetskaya (Russia): Questions about conscience in the process of counseling (case
                 study) / Вопросы о совести в процессе консультирования (анализ случая)
             100  Comment: Monika Hess (Germany)
             102  Tomasz Niemirowski (Poland): Freedom as the goal of the development of conscience and
                 psychotherapy / Wolność jako cel rozwoju sumienia i psychoterapii
             112  Comment: Saara Kinnunen (Finland)
             114  Andrey Lorgus (Russia): A few saying on pride / Несколько слов о гордости
             122  Comment: Maria T. & Lowell W. Hoffman (USA)
             126  Sarah Groen-Colyn (USA): The coming of faith: law, conscience, and moral sensitivity of the
                 human soul
             135  Comment: Mar Álvarez Segura (Spain)
             137  Next Number / About us

                            Waste becomes art- Roberto Cipollone (Italy)
                            Beverage cans, screws, door locks, hoes, rusty nails, olive wood, a
                            pebble... this is the material of the Italian artist Roberto. „With the
                            eyes of a child marvel at the beauty of simple things.“
                            Born in Pescara in 1947, he has been living and working in Loppi-
                            ano near Florence since 1977. In 1982, he opened “La Bottega Di
                            Ciro”, his artistic laboratory in a medieval style
                   (Italiano / English)
                            With English subtitles:

                   Note: By clicking the desired contribution in this Contents list, you immediately reach the relevant page.
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